Chapter 13: The Hidden Secret

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*MidoriDragons Villa:

Izuku and Momo sat in silence. Izuku gulps. What did she just say? There's no way thats true! My parents would never do something like this! Momo notices Izuku tensing up, panic and distress pheromones filling the room quickly. I should have requested Shoto to stand by in case Izuku couldn't handle this news... Momo thought to herself.

"Zuku..." She says, barely above a whisper. "I just... I need a minute, Momo" Izuku starts, chugging the rest of his glass and filling it up again. "Okay... explain it to me again so I understand clearly.." Izuku sits, looking at Momo hoping everything she told him wasn't real. Momo pours herself another glass and hands over a small file.

"This is the paperwork I found in a box labeled 'Izuku' on the top shelf of the filing room" Momo starts to explain "After finding out BK Dynasty was located entirely in Japan with no American ties, something felt off so I did some digging while you guys went on your mission." Izuku opens the file, reading the papers eyes widening as he reads.

"In this box, this file was here, along with deeds and photos..." Momo continued glancing over an the panicking omega. "Zuku hunny, you need to breathe and calm down, your pheromones are going to become too much for me." she states.

Jolting out of his spiral, Izuku stops releasing his pheromones. "Sorry love, I'm just having a really hard time understanding why my parents would do something like this..." Izuku said, sighing, he leaned back in his chair.

"I understand completely, it's definitely a shock to me as well." Momo sighs. "Go ahead love, continue on with what you were saying." Izuku requested. "Right.. so anyway, it turns out, before your parents moved to New York, they were always seen with these 2" she points to a photo.

It's a photo of his mother and birth father with another couple. The man had brown spiky hair and the woman had long blond spiky hair.

"This is Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugou" Momo claims. "And here" she places down another photo "is your mother and Mitsuki Bakugou holding what seems to be you and Katsuki Bakugou." Izuku stared at the photo.

"The papers in that file are contracts, though they were all great friends, they definitely made sure to cover all their basis. The first contract here" she points to the first paper. "This is the agreement of bearing children for the purpose of merging" Momo explains. "The second and most important paper, is the contract explaining the details of mating and marriage in order to create the biggest clan in the mafia world." she continues. "They made this contract after both you and Katsuki had presented with your second genders. Not only that, this contract is air tight. Even in terms of both heads dying for any reason at all, the contract cannot be void." Momo finishes explaining.

Izuku stares at the 2nd piece of paper. He gulps down the last of his drink, "Momo, can't we just burn this contract and pretend we never found it?" Izuku asks, looking at her with hopeful eyes. Momo looks back at Izuku, shaking her head. "unfortunately, along with these items in the box there was 1 more thing... There's a signed witness who has a copy of the contracts and will be working to make sure both parties follow the will of the previous heads. His name is Shouta Aizawa." She finishes.

*BK Mansion:

"WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK ARE YOU TALKIN' ABOUT OLD MAN!" Katsuki yelled, pheromones releasing with a threatening aura. "BAKUGOU!" Aizawa yelled back. "This is what Master and Mistress Bakugou wanted and you WILL be following through, mark my words!" Aizawa stood up, slamming his hand down on the desk. "I WILL NOT! Last I checked, I run this clan! AND ILL BE DEAD BEFORE I EVER MATE AND MERGE WITH MY PARENTS MURDERS!" Katsuki seethed.

Aziawa sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Katsuki listen to me, this is what you're parents wanted. Even resulting in their death, no matter how they died or who killed them, you have to marry Izuku Midoriya." he stated. "GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I LOSE MY SHIT!" Katsuki screamed.

Sighing, Katsuki sits at his desk reading the contract Aizawa handed him. He thought about ripping it up and turning it into kindling but knowing his mentor like he does, this isnt even the original copy. "Tch... what the hell did that old hag get me into..?" he questioned.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" Katsuki replys. Kaminari walks in, looking at his boss as he watches out the window. "Hey Bakugou, you alright? There's a lot of threatening pheromones coming from this room..." the bubbly blond asks. "Don't worry about it... Tell me everything you found on Izuku Midoriya!" he demands. "May I?" Kaminari asks pulling out a seat "Tch.. whatever" Katsuki huffs.

"Izuku Midoriya, born July 15th in Tokyo Japan. Parents were Inko and Hisashi Midoriya. Hisashi was the head of the MidoriDragons until his death 2 months before his son was born. Inko Midoriya took over the organization running it here in Japan until she remarried her 2nd in command and moved the organization to New York when Izuku was 5." Kaminari explains, peeking up at his boss to see what his expression could be. It was blank, as if part of his boss wasnt even there. "Boss?" he asks, "Keep going, Dunce" Katsuki reaponded.

"Well... I looked into his parent's background to make sure I covered everything..." he sighs "and?" Katsuki says, raising his brow. "And... well it turns out, the MidoriDragons and the BK Dynasty were partner organizations. Inko Midoriya and Momma Mitsuki worked together to reign over all of Japan." he finished. "I figured as much... damn hag!" Katsuki scoffs.

"That all?" He questions the bubbly beta. "Yes sir, for now. Ill keep digging to see if theres any more connections" Kaminari exclaims. "Don't bother with the connections, I know everything I need too about that... Dig into what happened to Inko Midoriya and her husband and what he's been doing all this time." Katsuki requests. "Alright, I'll get to it as soon as possible" Kaminari says, waving as he leaves his boss in his office to absorb the information he received.


Wowowow! That's quite the family secret. Were their parents ever going to tell them about this?

Side note: I made this chapter longer for you guys because the last 2 chapters were so short! See you in the next chapter!

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