Chapter 12: Who is Midoriya?

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This chapter will be a lot shorter than the last. Building angst is a lot harder than I expected. Haha. Next chapter will be a real doozy! I promise!

*Back at BK Mansion:

"Everything looks fine, a mild concussion and a few cuts and scrapes but no major damage." the old lady explains to Katsuki. "How's the other 3 doing?" He asks her, genuine concern on his face.

She sighs "Well it wont do you any good to create more stress, but that said Ive known you your whole life and not knowing will make you stress more..." she starts "Kirishima had a small piece of shrapnel in his left arm, and some cute and bruises along his body... He's doing fine so not to worry with him" she explains. "Good, and the other 2?" Katsuki asks again. "Sero, I think got the worst of it. It seems he pushed Kaminari out of the way before the explosion went off. He'll be fine after a week on IV and rest.. Kaminari is fine. A slight bump to his head and a few scrapes from hitting the floor but he's already back in intel working on gathering the information you requested." Granny Chiyo finishes explaining.

"Alright, thanks granny. You can go now." Katsuki dismissed his longtime Dr. As soon as she leaves, there's a knock at his office door. "Who the fuck is it now?" he yells, his head throbbing, forgetting his concussion. "Bakugou, how are you feeling?" It's Aizawa, the Bakugou family combat and weapons specialist. Aizawa is an alpha, working along side the family for decades, he watched raised Katsuki into the violent killing machine he is today.

Sighing, Katsuki glances over him. Huh, Aizawa's been around forever. Guarding the family even on vacations. Perfect, he definitely knows something! Katsuki smirks. "M' fine, come in sensei. I was just about to call you to my office anyway" he exclaims.

"Care for a glass?" Katsuki asks, shaking a bottle of whiskey. "Sure, been a while since we've had a drink together. So, what'd want to see me for?" Aziawa asks, Katsuki is a man who can get anything done without anyone's help. When he comes to Aizawa, it's usually something big enough have a serious conversation, especially between just the 2 of them.

Katsuki glances at his mentor, "Midoriya!" Is all he says. Aziawa flinches, stiffening in his seat. "Aha, start talkin pops. Tell me everything you know." Katsuki smirks, sipping from his glass. 

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