Chapter 19: Where I'm meant to be.

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The meeting took a while. Coming up with the plan to get the Shie Hassaikai to come up from hiding proved to be simple once Izuku explained his entire plan to the group. Aizawa and Momo excused themselves to head to the BK intel office to go over some files and data to see if they can figure out what the Hassaikai have been up to for the last 5 years. Izuku and Shoto stay in the office talking with Katsuki and Kirishima. 

"So, simple enough, right?" Izuku asks the 3 alphas. "This would actually work really well if we put everything together properly" Kirishima explained. "I agree" Shoto nodded. Katsuki grunted in acknowledgement. The sound of a phone starts ringing. Shoto looks and realizes its his phone. "Ah sorry, I need to take this" he leans in, "Will you be alright" Izuku nods showing a reassuring smile to Shoto that he can handle himself."Ill be back in a moment" Shoto bows, exiting the office.

"So Master Midoriya!" Kirshima gains the green haired boys attention "Deku, please. I don't actually accept myself as a 'Young Master" he smiles. "Call me Kiri" the bright red head exclaimed. "So, Deku. That was you that blew up our warehouse wasn't it?" he asked nervously.Katsuki shot him a deathly glare. Kirishima flinched."Ahh, yeah that was me. I won't apologize due to the circumstances but I do feel a bit guilty now knowing the truth and all" Izuku chuckles awkwardly running the back of his neck. "Haha, well we're all in this together now. I say it's high time to get our plan in motion to avenge our previous heads!" Kirishima smiles.

Izuku and Katsuki share a glance, smirks pulling their faces. The 3 sit around chatting about plans and the types of work they do in their organizations when theres a knock at the door."Pardon me" Aizawa enters. "I need Kirishima and Sho..? Oh where is Shoto?" he asks. "He stepped out to take a call. "Ahh okay. Ill grab him after than. Kirishima can you come with me for a few minutes" the tired man requests."Sure thing, pops!" he turns to the 2 heads "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!!" and with that he winks and dashes out of the room before a bullet hit the wall.

Izuku was facing the wall, he looked back at Katsuki and started laughing. "He's hilarious! You 2 must be very close" he says wiping tears away from his eyes. Katsuki chuckles "Been together since we were brats""Haha thats the same with Shoto and I. His parents were killed on a mission and my parents adopted him when we were 6 and 7. But we've been together since we were in diapers." Izuku trails off. Katsuki notices and changes the subject.

"So, you sure you wanna be tied down with me for the rest of your life?" the fiery alpha asks.Izuku looks at the man. The sun was starting to set. The light coming in through the window illuminated the alphas beautifully chiseled features. His sun kissed skin glistened as if powdered with gold flex of dust. Emerald eyes stare into beautiful Crimson red.



"Yes... this is exactly where I am meant to be."

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