Chapter 4: America!

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Warning: This chapter contains mention of Violence!

It's 11:00pm in New York. Sitting at a bar alone, the young beta makes eye contact with a group of Alphas. Getting their attention, they walk on over to strike up a conversation. 

"Well, well, well... look what we have here boys!" a man says walking up to the table. "Hey baby, why don't you come play with us for a bit, huh?" the man says. "You wanna play with me?" the girl exclaimed. "You think you can handle all of us baby girl?" the man asks. The woman chuckles "I won't know unless we give it a try, right?" she says with a wink. "Let's go this way" she points towards the back door.

The men follow her outside to the alley out back behind the bar. One man goes to grab her. She turns around before he has a chance "Alrighty boys!" she says before backing away. 2 men walk up, chuckling at the fact that it was so much easier to get these guys than they thought.

The men turn around to face the 2. "Hey now, you think you can get us that easy? You're playing with some dangerous men, we're members of the Spades, you know?" one man states as he pulls out a knife. "Hahahahaha oh, I do apologize" 1 of the men says, stepping into the light. He was handsome, half of his hair white, the other half red. He had 1 grey eye and 1 blue eye with a scar. "What do you think, Sho? We might be in danger!" The other man says standing beside him. He was tall, navy blue hair and glasses. He had a scar running down from his left eye to his chin.

"I think we got ourselves into some trouble boys!" the woman said. The duel haired man chuckles, spitting his cigarette out. "Stay back baby, we'll take care of this and than we'll go have some fun" one of the Spade members said. "Hahaha I was talking to them" she states. "Huh? What do you mean?"..


Clap, clap, clap...

"Hahahahaha... You guys did well!"

"Thanks to you, Uraraka. I can't believe how easy is was for you to lure them out here!"

"Oh that was easy, its all in the eyes Tenya!"

The 3 pause, Shoto, Iida and Uraraka turn towards the sound of footsteps. "Aww! You guys did it without me?!" a voice from the shadows exclaimed. "Ahh Deku! You're here!" Uraraka jumps in excitement. "Hey Midoriya, what took you so long?" Shoto asked. "Hmm.. some stuff happened at the factory so I had to deal with that.. and then I had to make sure special ops got the report, you know, Boss stuff" Izuku shrugged.

"Well, what would you like us to do with them, boss?" Iida asked. "Did you get the information we need?" Izuku asked and Iida pulled out a flash drive. "Perfect, were done here so just leave em' here" Izuku ordered. "Lets go have a drink, its on me tonight!" he said turning to walk away. The 4 turn, chuckling along when they heard "Wait!" from behind them.

Izuku stops, glancing over his shoulder he looks at the men laying on the floor. "That crest..." the man says. On the back of the jackets of the 4 walking away, there is a forest green and black, 4 legged dragon with wings. Izuku smirks, looking at the man's terrified face. "Your... D-Deku...? Y-You're the...l-leader of the... Midori...D-dragons!"

"Ahh, am I? Izuku asks as he turns around. He crouches down in front of the man, using his knife to lift the man's face to face him. "If I am and I'm here looking down on you, than you must know the reason why... yes?" Izuku asks, looking deep into the mans eyes so intense the man chokes on his words. "Y-y-yes.. S-sir..."

"Good! Good! Haha" Izuku exclaims as he taps the mans face and stands up to leave.

"Oh! I actually have a question for you! If you tell me what I want to know, I'll let you live!" He said with a big bright smile. The man on the ground gulped "I'll t-tell you a-anything!" he yelled. Izuku smiled "Tell me everything you know about BK Dynasty"

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