Chapter 30: Let's have some Fun!

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"So... Explain what exactly was going on!" Katsuki demanded. Izuku chuckles walking over to his alpha and wraps his arms around his neck. "Well firstly" Izuku starts, kissing Katsuki on the lips. Pulling back a little he stares into the alphas eyes. "I've missed you, Alpha" Izuku smiles. Katsuki glances to the alpha still standing behind Izuku's chair. "Secondly, my dear Shinso here was just extremely excited that I agreed to look at his new weapon plans before he went and ordered the supplies he needs." Izuku explains. "Okay..? But that doesnt explain why he was getting handsy with what's mine" Katsuki says in a threatening tone as he stares at Shinso.

"Maybe I can explain that part Izu" Shoto chimes in. "Izuku is not like you Bakugou. Where you see subordinates, Izuku only ever sees us as family. While you're here, you'll see a lot of people jumping and clinging to our Boss Dragon throughout the whole day. Men, women, alphas, betas and omegas alike" Shoto explains. "You should also know that Izuku also sleeps in his bed with 2 of our members" Shoto finishes. Katsuki twitches, "Who the hell do you sleep with, Deku?!" Izuku looks at Katsuki, he decides to tease the alpha a little bit. "Mmm... Well just this morning I woke up to a beautiful alpha and a rockin bodied beta." Shoto and Shinso start to laugh.

Pissed that he's being laughed at, Katsuki turns to Izuke "Deku..." he says with a low growl. "Okay okay I've had my fun. There's only 2 people that sleep in my bed once in a while are either Momo or my friend Uraraka." he smiles at Katsuki. "Shinso you can stop hiding. You're a weapons specialist for dragons sake" Shoto said while pinching the bridge of his nose. Izuku starts to laugh. "I guess I should introduce you 2, Katsuki Bakugou... Meet Hitoshi Shinso! The head of my entire Special Operations division. And yes Kiri, he was the one who created the bomb and went off that night." Izuku stated peaking over at the group. "Everyone please excuse me, I'd like some time alone with Kacchan before we get down to business." Izuku requested. Katsuki looks as Shoto escorted everyone out of the office, locking the door behind him.

Leaving the office, Shoto offers to take Kirishima and Aizawa on a tour of the villa. Though the Dragons won't be there for much longer, they'll still use it for other purposes. "Let's see, with everything being packed and up moved to the mansion, I'm not entirely sure where to start" Shoto explains. "Take us wherever" Kirishima starts "This place is gorgeous!" he exclaims. "I have an idea.." Shinso cuts in. Shoto glances at Shinso knowing exactly where this was headed. He sighs "I guess that would be a okay" Shoto says. Kirishima looks at Shoto confused. Shinso chuckles "Wanna go try out some new weapons i created?" he grins. Kirishima's go wide and he grins "Hell Yeah!" Shoto and Aizawa share an exhausted look and start trailing behind the 2 heading to the basement.

Reaching the elevator Shinso scans his thumb and a camera opens up, he leans in allowing the camera to scan his eye. Once the scan is complete, the elevator door opens. "Wow! We gotta get one of those Aizawa!" Kirishima announces. Aizawa sighs, he's already fed up with the bubbly energy. He looks to Shoto who's pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'd like to take a look at your intel room, if thats alright" Aizawa expresses. "Of course" Shoto starts. "With the move it's a bit of a mess but things are still running for now." he finished. "Shinso, you can take Kirishima to the lab. Aizawa and I can meet you guys there later" Shoto suggests. "Sure thing" he says with a grin.

"Basement Level 2. Doors Opening" The elevator announces. Aizawa glances back at his troubled student "You will behave, Kirishima" he says narrowing his eyes. "Y-yes sir.." Kirishima responds. "Doors Closing" the elevator announces again starting to move. "Don't worry, I've got plenty of new toys that need to be played with" Shinso tells Kirishima. A few minutes later they reach the bottom level of the underground floors. "Basement Level 6. Doors Opening" The elevator stops. When the doors open, Kirishima is stunned. Right off the elevator is a massive arsenal. To the left was a weapons testing and shooting range. He glances to the right and sees a fully equipped combat training room. "You ready to have some fun?" Shinso asks. Kirishima gulps and sheds a huge smile "Absolutely!"


Hmm... I think our little shark and our sleepy psyco are going to become extremely fast friends!

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