Chapter 43: Private Wedding Pt.2

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The girls were getting all of Izuku's accessories ready while Momo got out all of the make up and Uraraka bathed Izuku and washes his hair. Once Izuku was done his bath, he threw on his panties and a bathrobe, he wrapped his hair up in a towel and left the bathroom. He watched as the girls were getting things ready for him to be done up for his big day. "I'll grab some ice to put on your eyes so they won't be so puffy" Mina said heading to the ice machine. Momo grabbed Izuku's hand and sad him in the chair at the make up table. "Alright, I'll do your make-up, Mina will do your hair and Chako will get you dressed!" she announced grabbing a bottle of foundation. "Time to get our little Dragon ready!" Momo shouts and everyone smiles. "You're going to be the most beautiful Broom EVER!" Mina shouts in excitement. They all stopped and looked at her as if she was crazy. "Broom?" Jiro questioned. "Well yeah, he's a man but hes still the bride!" She responded getting everyone to laugh.

Katsuki had finished showering and wrapped himself in a towel. He left the bathroom and saw all the guys chatting and wondering how the girls will look. Katsuki scoffs and walks into his closet. His outfit was already set out and waiting for him on a hanger in the closet. 'She actually made a good suit set' he thought with a small smirk pulling his lips. He was so focused on the outfit he didn't notice Kirishima standing behind him "WE GOT HIM SMILE FROM HIM!" he cheered startling Katsuki from his thoughts. "Tch... It's good enough" Katsuki grumbled as he walked up to the suit. They guys had picked out a jet black suit and vest set. There was a sunset orange dress shirt and a deep forest green tie. The vest was specially made the night before by Uraraka It was jet black in the front and sunset orange in the back with a deep forest green design pattern on the back. On the left side of the chest was the new crest they came up with for the merger. The new crest was a combination of their individual crests. The MidoriDragon was placed on top of an orange 'X'. The Dragon also had orange details along the scales to signify the union between each clan. Uraraka had also custom made cufflinks of the crest to go with the suit. Katsuki started to get dressed and it finally hit him. Even though Izuku wore his bite mark on his neck, he was actually getting married to the fiery omega. He walked over to the mirror doing up the cufflinks and slipping on his gold watch. This is the suit he was going to wear to marry the man he grew to love. His eyes started to gloss over but he refused to shed a single tear. 'Today's the day..'

Momo was finally finished with Izuku's make up and Mina started to do his hair. Momo had used sunset orange eye shadow for the base and forest green for his eyelids. She gave him a drastic eyeliner and glued green and orange gemstones along the eyeliner wing. She lined his lips with forest green liner, added orange lipstick and blended them into each other. she applied a slight amount of blush and defined his signature freckles. Mina was working on Izuku's hair. She brushed it out and decided to give him a side part. She gelled down the left side pulling it as tight as she could, placing his mothers hair pin in to keep it clicked back. She left the other side lose and bouncy adding in some mousse and hair spray to stop it from getting to wild. When she was finished she moved out of the way so Izuku could see himself. Once Izuku looked, it took everything in himself not to cry and mess up the make-up Momo had just finished. The girls all smiled and hugged the little dragon. "I used water proof eyeliner for this very reason" Momo chuckled wiping a tear from her eye. Uraraka walked up placing her hands on Izuku's shoulders. He glanced up at her from the mirror to see her shedding happy tears and smiling. "Are you ready to get dressed sweetheart?" she asked kissing the top of his head. Izuku nodded and got up from the chair. The girls all sat on the couches waiting for Uraraka and Izuku to emerge. "Ahem.." Uraraka cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

They all looked as Izuku walked out and gasped. Mina and Momo started crying at how beautiful Izuku looked. The others all smiled in awe. Izuku was wearing a white suit with a corset vest. The back of the vest was sunset orange with a deep forest green design pattern that matched Katsuki's. The left chest had the new crest over the heart and a long orange, green white and gold train that was attached from the front and around to the back of the vest. The lining of the suit was gold with matching gold buttons on the vest. He wore a white dress shirt complimented with his fathers tie. He wore a diamond choker with matching diamond earrings that hung down to his jaw line. His shoes were white with the new crest on the heal and he wore a netted hair pin that was tucked behind his mothers pin. "You look.... So... Beautiful!" Mina sad choking back sobs as she stared dazed at Izuku. Momo had no words, Izuku was so beautiful all she could do was cry. "Bakugou is going to love this!" Mina exclaimed walking over to get a closer look at Izuku's outfit. The girls were all so in awe over Izuku that they didn't hear the knocking at Momo's bedroom door. Shoto excused himself and walked in. He looked up and stopped. Now Shoto was a man of very few words and emotions, but seeing his childhood friend and brother look so beautiful had him crying in seconds with just one look. "Oh Izu..." the girls all turned around to see the duel haired man shed tears. "Whoa! I've never seen Sho cry before!" Uraraka exclaimed in shock.

Shot walked over and hugged Izuku. He was doing so well until he saw Shoto crying. "Oh.. hah.. My make-up!" He said fanning his eyes. Momo grabbed a tissue and started to wipe Izuku's eyes. "Don't worry, its still as perfect as before" She said blotting his face. "Bakugou is in his office waiting for things to start. its already 12 so we should start making our way to the meeting room" Shoto explained wiping the tears from his eyes. "Right!" Izuku adjusted his shoulders "Time to go!" he exclaimed smiling at everyone. "Let's get you married" Shoto said smiling as he held out his elbow for Izuku to link onto. They made their way down to Izuku's office. Katsuki heard the group pile into Izuku's office and went to hopen the door. What he didn't know was that Shoto and Kirishima had already locked the joining room door so the 2 couldn't see each other. "The hell? Why is this door locked?" He asked angrily. "We locked it so you couldn't see Izuku beforehand!" Shoto shouted from the other side of the door. Katsuki clicked his teeth, I need to talk to Deku in private!" he announced. "You can talk through the door!" Kirishima responded as he and everyone else left both rooms.

"Baby?" Katsuki said leaning his head on the door. "Yes, Kacchan?" Izuku responded. "Are you ready? Like.. really ready?" he asked hesitantly. "As ready as I'll ever be... are you ready?" he asked back. "I'm so ready that I'm about to rip this door off the hinges just to see you right now" Katsuki said with a slight chuckle. Izuku laughed "Good, I already wear your bite mark on my neck so you're stuck with me either way" he told his mate teasingly. Katsuki chuckled back in response. "Let's go get married, baby. I'll see you out there" and with that Katsuki left the room.


I really hope I was able to give enough detail so you can all envision what I saw in my own head... Anyway... ahem... Lets get these 2 married, yeah?

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