Chapter 37: Deku Is Crazy.

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"WHAT?" Kirishima yells. "There's no way!!" he exclaims. "I'll show you the footage later." Shinso tells his new friend. "There's footage?" Katsuki asks peeking his interest. "Oh yeah, There's cameras all over this place. The only private places are the bedrooms and bathrooms, Zuzu's office and the rooms on the command centre on the central intel floor" Shinso informs them. "I definitely need to watch that footage later" Katsuki scoffs, "Absolutely" Kirishima adds. Izuku pops his head in the door of the combat room "So? Who wants to spar? I'll take it easy on you, I've already been warned by Shoto and Momo to be careful!" Izuku asks excitedly. "Zuzu, Why don't you use the combat robots I made you?" Shinso asks. "I told you I wont use them until you can make them fast enough!" Izuku pouts.

The group falls quiet and look at one another. Katsuki sighs and steps forward "Come on, baby. I'll spar with you for a bit" he says heading into the room with Izuku. With shocked expressions, the other 3 race to go and watch. "There's gym clothes in the locker room. You 2 go get changed and I'll get the room ready." Shinso directs them. Uraraka heads with Izuku into one of the locker rooms. "Does she really need to go with him?" Katsuki asks. "Apparently shes the one who dresses him every morning" Kirishima informs his boss. "That's not all she does." Shinso chimes in "She wakes him up, gets his clothes out for the day and than heads into the bathroom to wash his hair." he explains "Those 2 have the same mind, it's kind of scary actually." Shinso finishes and grabs a box of weapons, moving them into a locker. "What do you mean?" Kirishima asks. Shinso smirks "I can guarantee Izuku will come out in something super short and incredibly tight."

Katsuki comes out of the locker room after throwing on some boxing shorts and a tank top. "He's still not out?" He asks walking towards Kirishima and taking a seat on the mat beside him. "He should be out in a minute" the red head responds. "Where did tired eyes go?" Kirishima laughs, "He's locking up all the weapons in the armory" he tells Katsuki. "He can't really be dangerous enough to resort to locking everything up.." Katsuki comments "That's what you think" Shinso responded coming back from the armory. Uraraka exits the locker room her and Izuku were in. "He'll be out in a second, he's just pulling his hair back!" she says jogging over to Shinso. "That so?" Shinso asks. Seconds later Izuku walks out and heads towards the training mat. Katsuki stares at the green haired beauty walking towards them. Tired eyes was right, the outfit is really short... and SUPER tight.. Katsuki thinks to himself. Izuku was wearing skin tight slack and green shorts that sat just above his mid thigh and a matching cropped turtle neck top with his hair pulled back into a short ponytail.

Katsuki gets up and heads towards the training mat himself. Shinso raises his hand in front of Katsuki stopping him in his tracks. He kicks off his boots and walks towards Izuku on the mat. Staring down at the dangerous omega and the dangerous omega staring back up, Shinso releases a tiny bit of pheromones causing Izuku to flinch. "The hell are you doin' tired eyes?!" Katsuki yells. Shinso raises his hand up to silence the angry alpha behind him. "Arms up, legs spread" He commands Izuku. Raising his arms slowly out to the side and shifting his feet, Uraraka shuffles behind Izuku. Kirishima walks over and stands beside Katsuki. "What are they doing?" Kirishima whispers to Katsuki. "You're guess is as good as mine.." he responds. They stand their watching Uraraka's hands search the omega's body. "There's 1..." she says reaching into the back of the turtle neck and pulling out a knife with a dragon crest on the hilt. Handing the knife to Shinso she continues searching. Reaching his waist she feels something in his waist band. She sighs "Seriously babe?" pulling out a matching set of butterfly knives and hands them to Shinso. Continuing on, Uraraka ends up finding 3 more knives. One in each leg wrap and another on Izuku's right thigh, tucked into his shorts.

"Why the hell do you have all those knives? I thought you wanted to spar with your future husband not kill him!" Shinso yells. "Sorry, I can't help it. I feel naked without at least 1 weapon on me!" Izuku says shyly looking away from Shinso. "That so? Take out your hair and shake your head Zu." he commands.Izuku sighs as he pulls out his hair tie and shakes his hair out. A dart came flying out and falling onto the ground. "Alright Bakugou, were ready now" Shinso informs, still staring at Izuku. "He hid all those weapons on him while wearing something that small and tight? That's terrifying" Kirishima comments. "Is it?" Katsuki asks, continuing "I'm more turned on than anything right now" he finishes. Kirishima looks at him kind of disgusted "What's wrong with you, man?" Kirishima questioned shaking his head as he went to take a seat behind the observation desk.

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