Chapter 8: Memories..

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*BK Mansion: Intelligence Office:

"Gaah! Don't yell! I've been up all night and I have a headache!" Kaminari whines. "from all we've gathered, neither Deku, nor any of the MidoriDragons were in Japan when moms and pops were killed!" he says in a huff. "I don't know whose behind this or why they're pinning 2 huge mafia groups against each other but from what i can tell, the MidoriDragons probably don't even have anything to do with this, they're just a screen to the real culprits! Ill send you everything to your tablet right now so you can go over it." Kaminari finishes.

Katsuki walks back, head completely filled with thoughts. Kirishima looks over at Katsuki with understanding that he feels like they've been chasing a ghost for 3 years. He sighs, "Hey, lets grab some coffee and than check out the file" Kirishima says with a toothy grin. "Shitty Hair, how the fuck do we figure this out now?" Katsuki huffs walking into the kitchen. Grabbing their coffee, Kirishima and Katsuki get comfortable on the couch with their tablets and go through the files Kaminari sent.

*Midoriya Villa: Temp MidoriDragons hideout:

"Midoriya, Momo's calling for us down in intel" Shoto calls out to the omega whose doing some target practice. "Okay! I'm coming!" he responds. "Ahh Sho, Zuzu! Come on in! I was just going through some files. When we got here Jiro and I started scouring the underworld sites here in Japan and we think we found out who the head of BK Dynasty is" Mom says with excitement. "Really?! who is it Momo?!" Izuku asks nearly jumping out of his own skin. "Well the crazy thing is that he doesn't even use an alias, his name is Katsuki Bakugou, a hyper-dominant alpha born and raised here in Japan." Momo explains.

Katsuki... Bakugou...? Izuku pauses for a moment, why does that name come to his mind so naturally as if he knows that name...

"Izuku, hunny! Come here!" Inko Midoriya calls out. "I'm coming mom! Come on Sho!" Izuku yells back. "Izuku, Shoto, This is my long time friend Mitsuki!" Inko introduces the 2. "Hello Auntie! My name is Izuku! and this is my brother Shoto!" Izuku introduced themselves excitedly. "Oh my! haha what a cutie you 2 are! It's so nice to meet you. I have a son the same age as you Zuku!" Mitsuki claimed, turning behind her she waves her son over to introduce himself. "Come on brat! get your butt over here!" she hollered. The boy walked up to the other boys, where his mother told him to stand. "Izuku, Shoto, This is my little brat, Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou!" Mitsuki introduced them. "Hello Bakugou" Shoto bowed. "Hello Ka-kats-ka-Kacchan!" Izuku giggled and grabbed his had to take him to play. "My name is Katsuki! NOT Kacchan! Stupid Deku!" Katsuki scolded.

*Gasp* Izuku felt his blood turn cold. He was seething like never before. His eyes started glowing a vibrant green, he bore his fangs and released death threatening pheromones. Shoto quickly realized Izuku was going inti a feral state and acted fast. He grabbed Izuku and tried to calm him down. "Izu!!! You need to calm down! Wake up!" he yelled and he shook him while releasing calming pheromones. It was no use, Izuku was loosing himself. Shoto had no choice, he slapped Izuku with enough force to finally snap him out of his feral state. "Sho..." Izuku looked up with tears in his eyes. "It was him! Kacchan... Killed my parents!" he bawled. 

After snapping Izuku out of his feral state and calming him down enough for him to give order, Shoto brought him back into the intel room. "Izu, baby! Are you okay?" Momo asked while pulling Izuku into a big hug. "Im okay now momma, I need you to dig up everything on Katsuki Bakugou" he requested "I need locations, members, commanders, anything and everything you can dig up, I want it all" Izuku commanded. "You got it! You'll have everything in about an hour!" Momo reassured Izuku. He smiled, thanking her for all her hard work.


Wow! Momo's on the ball! All the information really triggered a deep memory for Midoriya. Going into a feral state after realizing the name of the opposing mafia leader said to have assassinated his parents? Realizing he's a friend from childhood, Izu and Sho played with all the time.I wonder what plan our little dragon will come up with..

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