Chapter 20: Heat

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The leaders stare into each other from across the room. Katsuki smirks "Where you're meant to be, huh?" he teases. Izuku gasps. Face turning as red as the sky outside. "I like the sound of that" the alpha says moving to sit beside the green haired beauty. When he sat down, Izuku could smell burning wood with a hint of cinnamon. Must be his pheromones. The omega in Izuku was screaming at him to jump the alpha. Make him ours! Sit on his knot and bare his pups!

Izuku looked away. "I'm sure you do. But I won't be looked down on. If we're doing this, it's as an equal partnership" he exclaims. "It won't be an equal partnership at all, baby." Katsuki started "I have a feeling everyone will be cowering to you, including myself" he finishes, winking as Izuku looks back at him. Izuku smirks. "Then I'm definitely in!" he chuckles. Izuku notices hes starting to get hot wearing his jacket so he removes it. Katsuki cant help look at the revealing outfit Izuku is wearing. "Ahem" Katsuki clears his throat "That's a pretty nice holster you have on" he says looking at the omega. "It was custom made for me as a birthday gift a couple years ago from Shoto" Izuku smiled.

Even with his jacket off Izuku still feels incredibly warm. His face feels flushed and his stomach is starting to tingle. It hits him. My heat? No, it's still 3 days away! Why is my heat starting now?  Izuku hunches over and gasps. "You alright? Need some water?" Katsuki asks. He smells the air. There's a mint chocolate scent with a hint of strawberry to it. He looks down at the omega. "Did you just go into heat?" he lifts Izuku's head. Half lidded and flushed, Izuku tells Katsuki to call for Shoto. Even though they're considered brothers, Katsuki's alpha is seething with rage that his omega is calling for another alpha. 

He tries to get ahold of Aizawa and Kirishima. No one answers. "Dammit!" he expresses. Dialing a number, he hits call. "Mina! Get to my office right now. Don't bother knocking just come straight in" he hangs up. A moment later, Mina walks into the room. *Woosh* "Oh wow, those are some strong pheromones" she says. "Izuku went into heat. Stay here while I run and grab her brother!" Katsuki commands. "Yeah! Of coure! Go, go go!" Mina responds. "Hey, Izuku. Are you doing okay sweetie?" Mina sits next to the dazed leader. "Alpha..." Izuku whines.

Katsuki runs down the stairs to the intel command center. "BASTARDS! WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU ANSWERING YOUR PHONES!" Katsuki yells, making all 4 of the people in there jump. "Where's the fire Bakugou?" Kaminari asks. "Where's Midoriya?" Aizawa asks. Katsuki catches his breathe. "Sho..Shoto... Izuku went into heat. He's in my office right now with Mina." Katsuki tells him. Shoto looks at Momo.  "Go, our little devil needs you." she says. "Let's go" Shoto says following Katsuki back up to his office. They make it back to the office and find Mina holding onto Izuku releasing calming pheromones. "Oh, you're back. My pheromones aren't doing much for him. I gave him some water but he just keeps crying out 'Alpha" Mina tells them.

Mina and Katsuki stand by the door while Shoto tries to calm Izuku down. Releasing calming pheromones as he usually does whenever Izuku becomes too upset. "A-alpha.." Izuku cries out. "Shh...Shh.. It's okay Izu, just take deep breaths" Shoto tells him. Mina notices Katsuki growing tense. She taps his shoulder and spares him a small smile. "Alphaaaaa....!" Izuku cries again. Slick dripping down his legs onto the couch where he sat. His stomach itches and his body is burning. Even as a hyper-dominant, Izuku has never experienced a heat like this before. He tries breathing in Shoto's scent but it's not working this time. But... Something in this couch smells delicious.

Reaching down, Izuku pulls out a sweater. This is it, this is where the delicious smell is coming from. He pulls it close, inhaling deep. His pheromones start to calm down. "Izu? What do you have there?" Shoto asked, confused as to where he even got it. He moves Izuku a bit to see him hugging a black sweater. "Izuku? Whose sweater is that? Where did you find it?" Shoto asks once more. Sweater? Katsuki thought. He walked over and saw Izuku burring his face in the sweater he forgot there last night. He smirks. "It's okay. He can keep it." Katsuki tells Shoto as he reaches down to rub his wrist on the sweater. Izuku notices the smell getting stronger. He grabs Katsuki's wrist and looks up to him half-lidded.

"Alphaa.. I need you!"


Hmm... ;) Is anyone ready? I know I am.

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