Chapter 39: Moving Day.

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It was Saturday morning, and Izuku woke up to an empty room. Uraraka hadn't come in yet to wake him up to get him ready for the day. Izuku was both sad and excited to be leaving his parents villa and move into BK Mansion with his mate. He got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. Headed to his closet he remembered most of his clothes were already moved to Katsuki's mansion. He dug into a box with the last bit of his clothes that needed to be moved and pulled out a lose fitted black tracksuit with MidoriDragons crest spread across the back of the hoodie and a green dragon along the right pant leg. He threw on some boxers, white socks and the track pants, grabbing a plain white t-shirt and throwing on the hoodie he went and grabbed a pair of forest green high top sneakers. He checked himself in the mirror 'at least I'll be comfy for the day' he thought to himself. His thought's were interrupted by a knock on his closet door. Uraraka had come to wake him up but didn't find Izuku in bed.

"Babe? You're already awake and dressed? It's only 7:30" she asked walking into the closet with a small smile on her face. "Yeah, I woke up earlier than I expected so I decided to just get up for the day" he explains. "It's moving day, are you ready to finally live with Bakugou?" she asks, hugging Izuku from behind. "This day came faster than I thought it would. Once we get their we'll be having an official meeting with both groups. We'll be announcing the wedding and when the article will be going out." Izuku finishes, turning towards his beautiful, big busted beta babe. "Let's head out and get everyone ready..." he inhales deep into Uraraka before letting go.

The 2 start heading towards the kitchen. They run into Shoto along the way and talk about the plans of the move while they get some breakfast. "Good Morning Midoriya! Uraraka! Shoto!" Iida greets the as he sets the table. Sato, their friend and the personal chef of the Dragons was making a balanced breakfast the everyone since it was moving day and it had been a while since everyone last had a family breakfast together. Momo, Jiro and Shinso all walk in and take their places at the table. "Sato! This looks wonderful!" Momo says, gulping back the drool that was starting to escape her mouth. "This might be that last time all of us will have breakfast like this without BK Dynasty around..." Uraraka says trying not to shed tears as she leans in to hug Izuku. "We'll always be able to do this, we'll just have a bigger family now instead of just us." Izuku comments pilling a small smile on his face. "And even than, I'll make sure we have time for just us without BK!" he finishes.

After breakfast and packing up the rest of the vehicles. Izuku locks the door and sets the security alarm to the villa. "I'll drive today, Sho" Izuku says putting his hands out for the keys. "Are you sure? I really don't mind" Shoto tells Izuku. "I'm sure! I feel like driving. Makes me feel like this isnt just a dream!" Izuku looks to Shoto with a big smile. "I'm sad to leave but I'm excited to finally live with Kacchan!" he continues. "Besides, its not like we won't be using the villa!" Izuku finishes climbing into his SUV and starts the car. Shoto smirks and climbes into the passanger side. Izuku plays some music and starts driving. "Do you think Bakugou is going nuts knowing you're on your way?" Shoto asks. "I'm betting he's yelling at everyone telling them everything needs to be perfect!" Izuku says turning up the radio and laughing.

*BK Mansion:

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? DEKU'S GOING TO BE HERE SOON! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!" Katsuki yells at his guards. "Hey man! They're going their best. They just finished moving everything to the basement" Kirishima says trying to calm down his best friend. "Yeah and they're as dumb as ever! How do you drop a box full of weapons?!" Katsuki seeths. "Did Kendall get Deku's things unoacked and set up in my room?" He looks to Kirishima. "Yeah, shes finishing up now." Kirishima nods. "Good!" Katsuki says walking to his office. "The meeting room was emptied right?" Katsuki asks as he opens the joining door. He sees his old meeting room emptied with nothing left but a desk and an office chair. "Tch..." Katsuki clicks his teeth and grabs his head, furrowing his eyebrows. "Ill grab you some pain killers and coffee.." Kirishima suggests as he walks over to the bar and pours coffee into Katsuki's mug. He pulls open a drawer with medical supplies and takes out 2 pills. "You haven't had one of your headaches in a while." he comments walking over and handing the pain killers and coffee to Katsuki.


"I just need everything to be perfect." Katsuki comments, taking the pills and sipping his coffee. As Katsuki and Kirishima talk, the phone on Katsuki's desk rings. He presses the speaker button "What is it now?" he asks with irritation in his tone. "Sir, it's the guard gate" Katsuki flinches. "The MidoriDragons are pulling up now" the guard over the phone announces. "Alright." Katsuki says, hanging up the phone. He walks over to his bark and pours a shot of whiskey. Gulping it back he turns to walk towards his office door. "Let's go, Shitty Hair!" he commands and the 2 head to the door to go welcome their new house mates.Katsuki and Kirishima stand outside at the bottom of the front door stairs waiting for Deku and everyone else to pull in. They look down the driveway and see 6 cars pulling up. The first car pulls up and stops right in front of them, the other 5 follow behind. Izuku and Shoto hope out of Izuku's sleek black SUV and stretch as they walk over. Izuku notices Katsuki and lightly jogs towards him. "Kacchan!" Izuku exclaims jumping up into his alpha's arms. "Hey baby, how was the drive?" Katsuki asks kissing Izuku on the cheek. "It was good!" he responds and peeks behind Katsuki's shoulder "Hiya Kiri!!" he says excitedly showing off his infamous smile. "Hey Deku! Glad the drive was good!" Kirishima says smiling his goofy grin right back. "Bakubro... Don't you have something to say to Deku?" Kirishima asks teasingly. Katsuki chuckles while holding his mate after so long, staring into his eyes he presses their foreheads together. "Welcome Home, Izuku" Katsuki says just above a whisper. Izuku leans in and kisses Katsuki, pulling back to look Katsuki in the eyes "I'm home, Kacchan!" 

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