Chapter 1

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April 29th

I sat on the windowsill watching the sun go down. It wasn't the most comfortable seat in my room but it did just fine when I wanted to look outside. My room definitely had the best view across the whole house.
It made being here a little more bearable.

My phone rang in my hand. I declined it before throwing it across the room.
I couldn't be bothered with anyone at the moment. Especially my parents.
Even hearing their voices hurt.

I hadn't spoken to my dad at all, I was scared if I actually answered one of his calls, i'd say something I regret.
I'd had a few calls with my mum and she'd text me regularly trying to defend their decision.

I'd been here 6 weeks and I still felt no better about the situation.
The days were long and lonely and the only time i'd ever interact with my husband would result in some of the worst arguments i've ever had.
I hated it here.
I wanted to go home, to see my friends and my horses and resume my old life like nothing had ever happened.

I wonder what my friends were all doing now, where they thought i'd gone.
I hadn't been able to get in touch with them.
I'd been given a new phone when I got here so I no longer had any way of contacting them.

I think the only time me and Nathaniel had had a civilised conversation was at our wedding and even then it was all for show.
He drove me insane.
It was like anything I did would cause a fight.
I honestly don't know how much longer I can put up with this.

My mother had continuously told me, message after message, that this marriage was something I had to do for the family.
I called it fucking bullshit.
She told me how this would keep me safe and provide security but believe me, actually being here and living it felt like the complete opposite.

I'd put actual money on the idea that if I died in this room, I don't think they'd notice me missing for a few weeks.
I'm not looking for a loving marriage at this point. I know that won't happen and i'm over that but the least we could be is civil and at the moment even that seems impossible.

I was brought out of my own thoughts by the hunger pains I was currently facing. It was only now i'd realised I haven't actually had anything for dinner.
That enough pissed me off, now I had to leave the safety net of my own room and face the jack asses outside of it.


I slid of the windowsill and headed out the door. It was better to move quick. The quicker I could grab something, the quicker I could get back to my room.

Eyes fell on me as I basically ran down the stairs. I was used to that. It was like half the guys around here hadn't seen a women before.

"Eva slow down" Tomas grabbed my arm, bringing me to a halt

"oh great" I roll my eyes, "now i've been seen"

"nice to see you too" he laughed, "why are you in such a rush?"

"i'm hungry" I shrugged

"ahh" he smiled and followed me in to the kitchen.
The kitchen was empty except for what I liked to call the core 6.
It was Nathaniel, his younger brother Alexander, and their friends Christian, Greyson, Jaxon and of course Tomas.

I just loved being around them so much. It was sooooo fun.
Hint my sarcasm.

I ignored them, in hopes they'd ignore me back. They usually did which honestly worked in my favour most of the time.

"we have to go out" Nathan sighed, clearly not overly happy about it.

"you're fucking kidding me right?" Tomas groaned from beside me, "send someone else"

"I can't or don't you think I would, now go and get a damn Jacket on" Nathan snapped at him.

"alright dad" Tomas mocked.

It made me laugh a little but thank God non of them noticed.

"call me that again and my shoe will be so far up your arse, you'll be able to taste it"

"he'll actually do it" Alexander added in

"I have every fucking faith he will," Tomas shook his head before walking out.
I really didn't want him to leave, he was the only one I didn't completely detest.

"you all go on, i'll be out in a minute" Nathan pushed them all out the door, leaving me and him alone.

Oh great.

"you just going to stare at the pasta?" he leant against the cabinet beside me.

"i'm trying to muster the will power to cook it" I give him a fake smile before slamming the cupboard door closed.

"glad to see the attitudes still going strong Evangeline" he rolled his eyes

"I do try" I begin pouring the pasta into a pot

"have you called your father yet?" he changed the subject

"nope and I don't plan on doing it for the foreseeable future, that should save you time instead of asking"

"i'll keep asking until you do it, fucking call him" he snapped

"we're out of pasta" I sigh, looking at the empty bag in front of me. It made me sad, I love pasta.

"don't change the subject" he was getting pissed off again

"I might go for the bow pasta next time, so much cuter" I walk over to the sink and pour water over the small amount of pasta that was left

"I don't know why I bother" he sighed and stood up straight, "i'll be back later, you'll be home alone so don't open the door to anyone Evangeline"

"I wasn't planning on it, might even keep it locked for you" I glance back at him, giving him a wave.

"Evangeline I'm being serious" he glared

"and you think I wasn't" I blink

"promise me you won't open the fucking door Evie" He leant against the wall.

"I, Evangeline, promise not to open the door under any circumstance" I was being serious.
I do realise I was coming across as the prick in this situation but honestly I don't care.
It's funny... for me.

He shook his head before leaving.
I do hope he comes back alive and well though, anything less would be a huge fucking inconvenience for me.

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