Chapter 27

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Small Tw- emetophobia!

I dragged myself out of bed. It was a miracle I was able to do so.
I feel like 7 or so years ago I woke up tired and I haven't actually recovered since.
I've been walking around permanently tired, in fact, I don't actually remember a time where I wasn't exhausted. I feel like i've learned to live with it rather than overcome it.

I got dressed and headed into the living room, i'm still not used to not having an upstairs but i'm not going to complain about it because I actually prefer it.
Don't ever let Nate know that though.

"good morning" I smile at a very groggy Xander. His head was on the counter, clearly he was doing worse than I was.

"is he alright?" I mouthed to Nathan who was standing at the other side.

"mhm" he nodded.
I'm pretty sure he hadn't actually been listening to me. He was too busy reading something on his phone.

"I was thinking of just straight up chopping all my hair off" I stare at both of them waiting for a response.
Nate nodded his head again, Xander still hadn't acknowledged me.
"I think i'm in love with the post man" I ramble on, "I might leave you for him"

I was astonished at their ability to completely blank out what was going on around them. At least I now know when I have Nathan's attention, I have all of it because clearly he can't multitask.

"i'm pregnant, it could be yours, could be the post man's"

That he looked up for, the colour draining from his face.

"that you heard?" I shake my head, "glad to know where you stand though"

"don't fucking scare me like that" he sighed, placing his phone beside him.
"and the mailman? really?"

I laugh at the disgust on his face.

"the mailman would be a great father" Xander sat up, his hair all fluffed up.

For the first time ever, the both of them looked incredibly alike. Nathan was the spitting image of his father whether he liked it or not, whereas Xander definitely had more of their mothers features. It was rare they even looked related.

"i'm going to pretend you didn't say that" Nathan glared at his hungover brother.

"you hate the truth" Xander shrugged

Nathan straight up ignored him and changed the subject.
"we have to go to the offices today" he sighed.

I think he could tell from my expression, I wasn't overly fond of the idea.

"oh i'm sorry I have to work" he said in a playful tone.

"you should be" I huff

"don't you dare" he pulled me close to him.

"don't try and pull that shit"
He pulled my chin up so that I was looking right at him.
It was hard to stay serious when he smiled at me like that.

I roll my eyes before pulling out of his grip.

"it's only gonna be for an hour or so" he defended.

"it better be" I say whilst grabbing his keys off the table.

He shook his head at me before dragging himself and his brother out the door after me.
"I fucking hate this shit" Xander groaned.


I sat on the floor beside Jax. I'd agreed to help staple pages together because apparently i'm just that bored.
This was totally someone else's job, i'm not sure why Jax was doing it in the first place but I wasn't gonna ask questions I probably didn't want the answers to.

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