Chapter 51

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I couldn't help but feel like a child as I ran to my mum. I wasn't expecting to see her standing there with Harry at the airport.
I know it had been hard for her to leave the house over the last few months so the fact that she was here meant a lot.

"hi star girl" she wrapped her arms around me and for a moment everything seemed perfect.
She was still here and still very much alive.
I still had her.

"hi mama" I whispered, taking her all in.

She looked older now from when i'd last saw her but still as beautiful as ever, her hair was down which I hadn't seen in years.
Usually she had it pinned up but she had allowed it to fall down in its natural waves.
I'd always been jealous of her hair growing up, i'd gotten my dads straight blonde hair genes that just didn't hit the same.

"hello Nathaniel"  She smiled as she hugged him, "oh gosh, you're very tall" she stood back, and like everyone else Nate stood by, was drowned out by his height.

He laughed at her remark.
Although they had seen each other at the wedding they really hadn't interacted at all with each other.
Now I think back to it, my mother had kept her distance from everyone that day which wasn't like her in the slightest.

I walked over to Harry, who also now looked much older.
The stress of everything was taking it's toll on the people over here too.
"Harrison" I nodded

"Evangeline" he tried to keep a serious face but very quickly a smirk formed as he engulfed me in a hug.
He'd been like the sibling i'd never gotten. I don't remember a time where he wasn't around.
He'd lived with us for a while as well when he was younger. My parents looked after him once his own left him in the dirt.

"it's nice to finally put a face on all of you" He laughed as he looked up at the others.
"and it nice to finally meet the guy who's been calling the shots" he reached out to shake Nathan's hand.

"are you all ready to go?" My mother asked as she grabbed a few of our bags.

"can I drive?" I spun around to face her

She hesitantly threw her keys over, "go easy on the breaks Eva"

"oh yay" I gleamed at Nate who seemed to now look a little scared,
"don't look at me like that"

"i'm not looking at you like anything" he shook his head

"I can drive much better over here thank you very much" I tut

"well we're about to find out" Xander muttered as he walked passed me

"we'll go with Harry and your mom" Mila rubbed my shoulder before she walked away towards them.

We all walked outside and instantly the cold air hit. It was late January and by far the coldest time of year over here.
It's safe to say I didn't miss this at all.

"be careful not to slip" Nate sighed right as Jax slid around beside him

"it's a fucking ice rink" Jax grabbed onto Greyson who seemed unamused.
He didn't like flying and i'd only found that out once we got on the plane.
Safe to say i'm not looking forward to the flight home.

"okay last one" Xander chirped as he place my bag into the back of the car.
Thankfully I didn't have to pack all that much because I still had so much here.
A lot of it I was planning to take back with me.

We all got into the car and to say it was refreshing to see the wheel on the correct side of the car was an understatement.

"I see why it freaked you out now" Nate glanced over at me, then back at the lack of steering wheel in front of him.

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