Chapter 52

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I was alone for what felt like the first time in ages. Everyone was still supposedly asleep and I was exploring or being nosey whatever you want to call it.
This house was full of pictures. Some of just Evie and some of all of them.
There was so much love in them.

We used to have pictures up. My mom was always so proud of the gallery walls she'd create.
When she died my father ripped everything off the walls.
Every visual reminder of her was torn away.
I'd managed to save a few before he tore them down in anger.
He was so miserable in his final years.
I wonder if he is more at peace now that he's finally dead.

"I used to think it made the house cluttered but now they're my favourite thing" Charlotte's voice chirped behind me.
I tried my best to conceal my small jump but she'd scared the shit out of me.

Her laughter was so similar to Evie's yet different all at once.
"I hope you usually don't spook that easily"

"I haven't let my guard down in a while" I smiled back at her, "so no I don't usually"

Her expression dropped a little at my words, "I feel I owe you an apology"

"why?" I blinked

"you're too young to have your guard up in the first place Nathaniel... the four of us failed in keeping him away"

"I don't think it would have mattered, he's out for someone's throat" I shook my head

"what do you want to know?" she sat down on the couch behind me.

"all of it... I know he hates us, I know he wants us all dead and so far he's been nothing but successful but I'm yet to know why" I went and sat beside her

"his motivation?"

"yes... i'm struggling to predict anything he doesn't because I don't know why he's doing it in the first place"

She took a deep breath in before continuing, "well we met him in first year... we were all 11 or around there I suppose"

I watched intently as she racked her brain for memories which she'd clearly been pushing away for years now.

"I wasn't always super aware of my surroundings and well I bumped right into him" she laughed awkwardly, "I clearly caught him on an extremely bad day, he was incredibly angry at such a simple mistake."

Sounds like him to be completely honest. He seems to overact at just about everything.

"your dad and I had been close for years, we went to primary school together... well Xavier and Daniel showed up while this was going down and proceeded to defend me"

I watched as she shuffled and twitched around beside me. Evie did the same thing when she was nervous. It was actually kind of nice to see where she'd gotten a lot of her traits from.

"William was snarky and clearly already knew about your dad, he brought up things with his brother and all-"

"brother!" I stopped her

"...yes his brother" she looked over at me confused

"he has a brother? I thought he was an only child!" I had to hold my self back from screeching

"Oh God" she shook her head, "you seriously didn't know? why wouldn't he tell you? his behaviour and outlook on life must've made very little sense to you"

"you could say that"

I sat back in my seat, trying to grasp what i'd been told.
He has a fucking brother!

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