Chapter 21

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The sound of smashing glass woke me up. I looked to my side and Evie wasn't there.
My heart sank as I stood up.

If that bitch had laid a hand on her, I genuinely don't know how far i'd go.

I swallowed my dread and ran out of the room and down the stairs.
Evangeline was all I saw as I entered the Kitchen.

She was bent down on the floor, looking completely devastated

"what the hell?" I walk towards her, stopping once I noticed the shattered glass all over the floor.

"careful" she put her hand out

"what happened? are you okay?" I crouched down beside her.
I placed my fingers under her chin and pulled her face up so she was looking at me. It was clear she was on the verge of tears.

"it's fine" She muttered.

I looked down at the glass on the floor, it took me a second to realise but it was the crystal from our wedding. She'd asked me to lift it down for her a few nights ago so she could clean it up and put it in a safer place.
It was the last thing she'd been given from her father. I knew it meant a lot to her.
"oh baby, I'm sorry"

I ran my fingers over her face, wiping away any of the stray tears.
"it's alright, it's only one glass" she mumbled

"it's not alright" I sighed and stood up, bringing her with me.

"the guys and Mila are coming in now, get one of them to help put them in a safe space, i'll deal with this" I lifted the box of glasses and dishes off the counter.

"are you being serious" Jessica glared, "she attacked me, I was only defending myself"

Evie's sad eyes met mine. They were saying so much but nothing at all. She sighed before taking the box from my hands.
I was pissed, I should have just kicked Jessica out last night but my sweet girl was generous enough to let the rat stay.

"Nathan she's crazy" she continued on in the background.
I ignored her as I watched Evie walk towards the guys and Mila. It wasn't long before I heard her cry.
I wanted more than anything to go out and comfort her but I needed to deal with this first.

I crouched down to the ground again, picking up the pieces of shattered glass. There was no way in hell that this was fixable. The crystal was so delicate, it shattered into millions of pieces on the hard floor.

"she has you trapped, you need to see that" Jessica sat down beside me, bringing on her innocent act
"she probably has you drugged or something, that's why you can't think clearly"

"no Jess, you're the one who likes to drug people when they say no" I mutter and stand up again

"you know that's not true Nate" she gave me a sickly sweet smile, "she's manipulating you"

"how's she doing that?" I snap

"this isn't you" she ignored my question, "you know you love me so why are you lying to yourself?" She tried to grab my hand but I pulled back, pushing her away.

"you're fucking sick if you believe that" I glared, "the only reason I didn't kick you to the fucking road last night is because of her, I wanted you gone"

"I'm so sorry I left you when I did, I wasn't ready for commitment... I was stupid and 18 years old... but i've grown up and i've learnt. You were the best thing i've ever had!" she pulled herself up on to the counter

"okay? non of that matters... not now!" I blink, taken back by her utter arrogance, "you're broke and have nowhere to go, that's the only reason you're here, your timing is beyond convenient"

"you're hurting me" her eyes filled with tears, "I always forgave you when you messed up and the one time i'm not perfect, you throw me away for a blonde gold digger"

I couldn't help but laugh, i'm pretty sure at this moment in time, Evangeline had more money to her name than I did.
My fathers money was split between me and Xander and her father only placed 10% into my account as insurance, the other 90% of his wealth went to her and her alone.
She didn't want or need me for money, she was swimming in her own.

"i'm being serious Nate, you're throwing away everything we have for that slut" she sniffed

"we have nothing" I spat back at her, "you threw away whatever we were two years ago when you left, that's your doing not mine"

She looked stunned as I spoke back to her. I'd never done it before. She'd always spin it around and make me feel awful for even being mad in the first place.

"and if you ever call my wife a slut or a gold digger again, i'll make you dig your own grave, do you understand me?"

She simply glared at me. I think i'd finally managed to fucking silence her.

She kept glancing to the side of us, her attitude quickly adjusting.
"I knew you'd see her for how she actually was sugar, thank you for giving us another chance"

I looked at her confused, "what?"

"it's okay, I forgive you" she placed her hands in my hair and pulled me into a kiss.

I felt my whole body shudder as her skin touched mine. I was fucking repulsed as I shoved her off me as quickly as I could.
I was gonna have to shower in bleach after this.
"what the fuck is wrong with you" I seethed

She turned around to the side of us, a grin forming on her face.
I could hear someone take a deep breath. I turned around to see Evie trying desperately to hold herself together.

"Evangeline..." My tone was desperate, but she continued to back away from me.

"I know" She bit her lip, trying to hold in a sob, "I-I saw"

I felt physically sick. I was praying to God she'd seen the whole thing because if it had been the other way round, I would have a fucking fit.

Her eyes were red as she backed out the door again.

Jessica began cackling beside me. Yes - like a fucking witch.
"that's it" I snap, grabbing her wrist and dragging her along with me.

"Evie, please stop"

Thankfully she did once we'd reached the living room.
The rest of them were sitting in there looking incredibly pissed off.

"i'm not mad at you" she didn't turn around, "I saw the whole thing"

I didn't feel any relief, she wouldn't even look at me.
"but if I have to look at that desperate whore, i'll fucking kill her"

We all were taken back by her words. Evie, although incredibly witty, never threatened violence. It just wasn't in her nature to want to hurt people, even if they hurt her.

"are you kidding me?" Jessica scoffed

I dropped her wrist and walked towards Evie.
"you don't have to look at her" I lifted her face up so she was looking at me, "just look at me"
Her eyes were glossy as she stared back at me.

I was done fighting this fucking urge.

I crashed my lips on to hers, in front of all of them. It took her a second but she kissed back. Her whole body melted into my arms.

"about time Nate" I heard Xander's voice in the distance.

She pulled away, "what are you doing?" she asked me breathlessly, a small smile forming on her face.
"something I should have done ages ago"

Jessica screamed from behind us.
I didn't realise it but this was the closure I needed from her. Being able to finally see who she was after all these years made me more than grateful that we would never be near each other again.

I picked Evangeline up, her legs quickly wrapped around me.
"deal with that" I nodded towards the guys... and Mila of course.

"what are you going to do?" Jax called after me as I began running up the stairs with Evie still in my arms, laughing away.

"consummate my fucking marriage"

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