Chapter 50

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"you scared the shit out of me dumbass" I regain my composure and attempt to catch my breath.

"I told you that would be funny" Jaxon's laugh echoed in my ears.

Maybe on a normal occasion, yeah it might have been funny but right now nothing was fucking funny.
Mila takes little walks all the time, it's usually just a lap around the block and it normally takes her 10 minutes or so. Never an hour and a half.
That's how long she'd been gone - 98 fucking minutes.

"what are you all doing here?" I glanced over at the three of them. None of them seemed overly concerned but then again, how much of the situation were they truly grasping?

"Eva called me, told us to come help you find Miles" Xander replied.

I don't know why I hadn't thought about calling them yet. My mind had been too cluttered with things I really didn't want to be thinking about.
I was just praying to God that she was safe and was just huffier than usual.

"oh alright" I sighed

"are you actually worried?" Greyson's tone became more serious as he took my body language in.

"she's never gone this long" I sit down against the wall, "with everything that's going on right now, yeah i'm a little fucking worried"

"she does this all the time Chris" Jax tried to reassure me, "maybe she's ran into someone she knows"

"she wouldn't have left Toby this long" I swallow

"right well stand up then" Xander pulled me to my feet, "have you been to your apartment yet?"

"no" I reply, slightly confused.

"dude" Xander whined, "you know that's always first"

"I know her and I know she's not there" I was growing a little agitated now.

"well we need to check there again, even if she's not there, she might have been there and that can give us an indication of where she might currently be" Xander was already walking away.
We all had to pick up our pace to catch him.

Both Xander and Nate were natural born leaders. They handled situations like this much better than any of us. The only time i've ever seen Nate loose his composure was that whole thing with Evangeline and his own baby.

Guilt washed over me as I remembered i'd left my baby with them. It was unfair and shitty as hell but right now I don't have much choice. I was hoping he'd understand that.

The rush of heat hit me like a wall as we reentered the building. I hadn't realised how cold it had been outside.
We all stood silently in the elevator as it took us to the correct floor. For once Jax didn't feel the need to jump and have us fearing we were about to meet God.
Jaxon knew when it was time to be serious and the fact he was being serious right now only made me feel worse.

"just breath man, she might be in here" Greyson rubbed my shoulder as I shakily rummaged around my pocket for my keys.

"don't think we'll need them" Xander sighed as he leant against the door. He was barely touching it before it swung completely open.

"shit" I whispered as I walked in. Everything seemed to be the way it had been when we'd left it hours ago the only difference was Mila's keys.
They were lying on the ground.
My heart hit the fucking floor.

"that's not fucking good"Grey muttered as he picked them up

"no it's not" I shook my head.

I couldn't even think of how to track her without a phone. I racked my brain, trying to find absolutely anything that would help us right now.

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