Chapter 54

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November 3rd 2022

"please tell me you're done for the day?" Lottie walked in with her arms crossed

"nearly" I sighed as I leant back in my chair, "you heard from Eva?"

"yeah, she was at Lucille and Lucas's, I think she's meeting up with the other two as well"

"Joel?" I shook my head

"yep" she frowned as she walked towards me

"I hate the little fucker"

"she's an adult Danny, there's nothing we can do but be there when she needs us" she sat down on the desk

"you want to put a bet on that" I raised my eyebrows, "i'll have him in a ditch in a hour"

"we really don't need to be starting shit with Jeremiah, not now"
I watched as her eyes twitched back and forth. She was loosing a lot of weight and it was scaring me. William being back around again and making himself far too fucking known was taking its toll on her.
I'd had him in the right position 20 fucking years ago, I could have killed him, I should have.
We wouldn't be dealing with all this shit now.

"i'd tell him it was Xavier" I shrug, it made her laugh.
"how could you possibly blame that on him?"

"I have my ways" I grin, thinking of better times, "he'll happily take the hit"

"oh really?" she poked at me

"yes he would," I reply, "God placed him on this earth to be my personal scapegoat, look who's calling anyways"
I wave my phone in her face, she rolled her eyes and stood up.

"why'd you let that ring so fucking long?" Xavier seemed as happy as ever.

"if I killed someone, can I blame you?" I watch Charlotte intently as we both waited for an answer.

"sure" he sighed,

"see Lottie!"
She threw her hands up in surrender before she left the room.

"is everything alright?" I turn my attention back to Xav

He hesitated, "I don't fucking know anymore" he groaned, "Alex was followed home today and i'd know that fuckers offspring anywhere"

"shit" I mutter, "was Alex aware?"

"no but Nate was, he noticed the car... Alex is too head in the clouds sometimes"

"like me"

"exactly like you" he sighed, "I'm at a loss with what to do with the both of them, if I don't keep nagging at them, one of them is going to end up dead... it's been so bloody difficult trying to get through to either of them since Flo passed"

I honestly didn't know how to help him with this. Evangeline was already too much of a worry for me and I have Charlotte to help with that, the idea of raising two kids alone sounds like fucking hell.

"any word on William?" I change the direction of the conversation

"nothing in the past 3 weeks, i'd be aware, he might be on your side of the pond"
I felt sick at the thought of it.

"fuck" I swear, "it never used to be this fucking difficult"

"it was" he laughed, "we just used to find it fun"

"Daniel" Charlotte ran into my office, Xavier went silent on the other end of the line.

"what's wrong?" I stand up

She handed me the phone before she began crying, "shit" she cursed between a sob.

"i'll call you back in a minute Xav"

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