Chapter 45

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I stumbled down the hallway. I wasn't all that sure where I was.
I tried to shout but I couldn't raise my voice above a whisper. It was incredibly frustrating.

I couldn't really see much, it was quite dark and anything that was visible to me was blurry. Nothing was really making sense.

I wondered into a room, there was sheets of paper everywhere. Whoever had been in here last had created a mess looking for something.
I picked up one of the pages, it was covered in writing from top to bottom.
But I couldn't read it. It wasn't words, it was just random scribbles.
Every page I picked up after that looked the same.

"what?" I muttered to myself.

Was it a code or something?

I look up suddenly to the creak of a door, I hadn't noticed the very obvious door in the room until just there now.
Someone else was here.
They'd just opened it.

My heart was racing as I followed the footsteps down through the hallways. I'd seen the movies and every part of me was screaming to stop following them but it didn't seem like I had any other options.

The footsteps got quieter as I arrived outside a room. The door to it was one I used to see everyday. It was the door to my fathers office... but that was impossible.
That would mean I was in London.
It had to be one which looked similar.

I twist the handle and slowly push it open. Inside was my fathers office, I wasn't mistaken.
I couldn't be.
Every detail was the same.

Am I fucking dead?

His chair faced away from me but I could see his arms hanging out the side.

He didn't answer me.
"daddy? what's happening?"

I slowly walk towards the chair. He still hadn't said a word.
was it even him?

"dad?" I spun the chair around.

"OH" I screamed, falling back to the floor.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks.
Was this some kind of cruel joke?

It was my father, he sat there in the usual position I always found him but his eyes had glassed over. They were no longer green, they almost looked cloudy.

His throat was slit.

...that's how he'd been killed.
I knew that, but actually seeing it was horrific.

There was so much blood.
As I looked around the room, it was clear a murder had taken place.
It had changed from when I'd walked in.
It had been the normal clean and tidy room only a few moments ago.

"Evangeline" An unfortunately familiar voice was in the distance but it was getting closer.
My eyes bounced around the room, looking for another exit.
There was none, only the one i'd entered.

"oh shit" I pulled myself off the ground.

A cold hand wrapped around my wrist, there was only one other person in here and they were very much dead.

I took a deep breath and my eyes fell down to where my father had been sitting.
He wasn't there anymore.

It was Nate, he had a firm grip around my wrist.
I couldn't help but be slightly relieved to see him.

He could get us out of whatever the fuck this was.
Death or a dream... i'm not sure but he'd know, he always knew.

His eyes were closed as he winced in pain. His shirt was covered in blood.

...oh God, he's bleeding.

"help me" he groaned.

I bent down and starting pulling his shirt off. I knew I needed to find where he'd been hurt.

"where is it Nate, you need to tell me" I was beginning to panic even more.
There was so much blood.
He was going to die in minutes if I couldn't stop it.

He didn't answer me but his cold grip remained tight on my arm.

"Evangeline" the voice was much closer, in fact they were right outside the door.

"you need to go" he gave me a breathless smile, as the colour was quickly draining from his face.

"i'm not leaving you" I cry

"you have to" he was struggling to put words together.

"I won't leave you"

"you should've listened to him Evangeline"the voice was loud behind me.
I slowly turn around to see Ricardo standing over me. His grin as big as ever.

"now look what's happened" he pointed to Nathan, who's limp body sat in the chair.

His once bright blue eyes were now grey and lifeless.

I began to scream.
He began to laugh hysterically.

"I want to wake up now" I cried, "please"

"oh Evangeline... you should now you aren't dreaming" He dragged me up and threw me against the wall.

Every bone in my body felt like it had been shattered. It hurt so bad.

"but then again... you are just a stupid little bitch aren't you?" he kept slamming me into the wall.

He was so angry.

"help me please" I screamed

"hey baby, you're okay"
I gasped for air as the room suddenly became our bedroom.
"you're okay" his eyes met mine, those blue eyes.

I instantly grab on to him, he was warm.
"am I awake?" I manage to ask.
My mouth was as dry as ever.

"yes you're awake" he looked at me concerned as he pulled me into his arms, "it was just a nightmare"

That was far more than a nightmare.
Like what the fuck was that?

An interactive version?

"it was just a nightmare" he hummed

I can't keep living like this, it's going to fucking kill me.

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