Chapter 30

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It was a lot of information to process and I'm still not sure why we'd been given said information in the first place.
Nothing was making any fucking sense.

I'd never heard my father scream like that. It physically hurt to hear him like that.
Him and Evie's dad were clearly close, much closer than i'd thought and now I was aware that William was behind my mothers death as well.

A new wave of anger washed over me. I may not have had it easy with my parents all the time but they were my parents at the end of the day and neither of them deserved to go out the way they did.

"he killed mom" Alex's glossed eyes met mine.

I nodded, not being able to really give him any other sort of response.
Greyson continued to talk to both him and Jax. He seemed to be the only one able to put words together at the moment.

"how'd he have access to that phone call?" Evie whispered.
It wasn't something i'd even thought of yet.

That call had to have taken place in here or else I would have seen the call on the logs when I checked his house the day after he passed.

"shit" I swore as I stood up from the ground.
I quickly started pulling everything apart and ripping stuff out from the drawers.
I wasn't overly sure what I was looking for but i'd know it when I saw it.

"Nate?" they all turned around to watch me.

I continued what I was doing, letting them all watch me in confusion.
Finally I made my way to the book case.
Something I refused to touch, the same way my father had.
My mother was the last one to organise these books, none of us had touched them since.

"Nate please don't" Alex walked towards me, reaching out in attempt to stop me.

I began pulling the books out of the shelves and letting them tumble to the ground.
My brother quickly fell to the ground and tried picking them back up.

"Nate stop" Evie tried pulling me back but it didn't stop me.
"please you're scaring me" she cried

I finally made it to the last shelf and pulled everything out.
The black wire made itself known.
I pulled it out and quickly severed whatever connection it had.

"it's the only place they knew he'd never touch" I held it in front of them all

"...he's been listening this whole fucking time?" Alex screeched from the floor.

It all now made sense as to why he was always a step ahead but he wanted us to find that wire and that's what I couldn't make sense of.

Was there a wire somewhere else?

There had to be because why else would he give up his only real source of intel?
What the fuck was he trying to do?

Was he trying to distract us?
But distract us from what?
He's had hours to do something and nothing has happened...

Was getting everyone sick part of his plan too? Getting us all out of here so Isaac could get the information needed and plant that stupid fucking pen drive! was this all leading up to something?

My thoughts were broken as Evie slid down to the floor in front of me.
"hey" I crouched down beside, "are you okay?"

"mhm" she hummed, "just a little light headed that's all"

With everything going on, I'd forgotten about how her, Alex, Jax and Chris were still quite sick.

"we need to go home" I muttered as I pulled her back off the ground.

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