Chapter 11

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I managed to find a decent car parking space and not to brag but I parked in it amazingly. I was still getting used to driving on the opposite side of the road, it was like having to do everything inverted.

"alright, meet back here in two hours?" I asked Christian.

"that's fine" he gave me a small nod before blending into the crowds of people.

I almost felt relieved being on my own and being able to have a break. This past week had been hell. I just needed a moment to myself, to allow myself to breath again.

I quickly made my way to the nearest coffee shop. That wasn't overly far, after all this was New York and there's was somewhere to get coffee on every corner.

"hello" I smiled at the barista behind the counter as I walked in.
"i'll be with you in a moment" she smiled back

I gave her a small nod whilst she went back to whatever she'd been doing. I didn't mind waiting a moment. It gave me a chance to look around.

The little place was full of people, all doing something different.
There was a group of high school girls chatting in the corner, and at the other side of the room, there was a young couple clearly on a first date, you could tell by the awkwardness both of them were showing.
How sweet!

Towards the back there was what seemed to be small brunch meet-ups between people in suits. They all looked like they were discussing important things.
One guy in particular caught my eye. He sat alone in the centre. He was well dressed, in fact he was similarly dressed to Nathan.
He looked up at me, causing me to instantly turn myself away. I absolutely hated when that happened, it's the most embarrassing thing ever.

He didn't look away again though, which made it worse. He continued to stare whilst I got my coffee. I was planning on sitting in but he'd made me quickly change my mind.

I make an exit out the door as fast as I could, not wanting to spend a minute longer in there.
I get that it can be annoying to have someone look at you but to stare at them for ages after that was weird and a little creepy.

I made my way through quite a few shops, I wasn't planning on buying anything, I just wanted to look. American shops, however, have a lot more to look at and offer.
One of the only good things about living here now.

I kept an eye on the time, knowing I had to be back before the two hours were up. I didn't want to be late and I'd only realised after Christian and I had split ways that I didn't have his phone number, so i'd have no way of contacting him if there was an issue.
I'd have to call Nathan to get him to call Christian and quite frankly I didn't want to do that.
I wasn't in the mood to speak to him at all at the minute.

"hello Evangeline" A voice randomly appeared beside me, it was familiar in the fact that it was an english accent, a strong one at that.

I looked to my side to see the man from the coffee shop.
I picked my pace up, trying to get away from him.
Now that he was much closer, I was able to see he was similar in age to me, maybe a year or so older.
I'm pretty good with faces, if i'd met this man I would have remembered but I have no memory of him what so ever. So how did he know my name?

"do I know you?" I finally get the courage to ask once I realised unless I started running, I wasn't going to loose him.

"no, no" he shook his head, "but I know you quite well"
The smile on his face made me incredibly uneasy
"our fathers went to school together"

"oh that's nice" I give him a small nod

I'd pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Nathan.
It rang a few times before the call was cut off.

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