Chapter 25

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I was in agony, it hurt to breath.
I sat on the edge of my bed staring into blank space. So much had happened, I hadn't really been able to get my head around it all.

His words kept repeating in my head, calling my mother a whore, the money, the diamonds. It was a lot of information to receive in a matter of minutes.
My mum and dad had been together since they were 17 or something crazy like that. They loved each other so quite frankly I don't care how they're relationship started. I know that sounds horrible but the alternative seems much worse.
My mother not ending up with that psycho is a blessing.

As for this fortune he spoke of, I have no clue. Like me and Nathan, both our fathers inherited their money from their parents. It was generational wealth at its finest. All that money they had was rightfully theirs, nothing had been 'stolen' from William.

I suppose it was possible that the money had been spent on the diamonds that were currently being worn on my jewellery, but if it was a 'fortune' like he talks off, i'd hate to think how much money my ring and necklace were actually worth. To me they were sentimental, but clearly they were worth monetary value to him.

I'm taking his words as though they are fact, which they aren't. Nobody that angry is ever telling the full truth. I'm not saying my parents are innocent of wronging him, because maybe they are, but again, i'm failing to see how that has anything to do with me and Nathan.

I stood up slowly and stumbled around a little trying to get my balance. I'd been incredibly light headed since tonight's events.
"careful" Nathan rushed over, "maybe you should lie down and get some sleep" his voice was calm which had been the opposite to earlier.
It was weird, I could hear him and wanted to talk to him but it's like my body didn't want to function, I was too exhausted to even draw in air.

"I need to get his fucking hands off me" I pushed myself away from him and towards the bathroom door.
I felt disgusting, I could still see his hand prints on my skin. It would be days before they disappeared.

"alright" he sighed, wrapping his arms around me.
I used him as support to walk towards the shower. He didn't say anything, he just stood there. That was all I needed, his presence was enough.
It was clear he felt guilty but there was nothing he could have done differently. It was a shitty situation.

I let the shower run, allowing the temperature to rise.
I didn't stop to take my clothes off, I just slipped in under the boiling water, pulling him with me.
He was a little taken back but soon allowed the water to wash over him too.

"i'm sorry" he muttered quietly

"there's nothing to be sorry about angel" I gave him a small smile, "i'm alright"

"barely" he looked away

"Nathan, I am okay" I turned his face back towards me,
"see," I placed his hand on my chest, "i'm very much alive and okay"

"you stopped breathing" his voice was quiet

"and I started again"

"you scared the hell out me Evangeline" his lips softly brushed over my skin

I started unbuttoning his shirt, slowly revealing his skin. He leant against the wall, letting me do it.
His hand reached around behind me and quickly he began pulling the zip down on my dress.
I let it fall to the ground as I pulled his shirt off completely revealing the numerous tattoos marked all over him.
Of course I knew he had them, I'd just never been given a proper chance to stand and look at them properly and take in every single one of them.
I knew everyone of them had meaning to him, he wasn't exactly one to put random shit all over himself.

That was definitely Jaxon's thing.

"how the fuck do you still have that?" I laughed softly as I ran my fingers over my name which lay on his collar bone. He didn't reply to me, his eyes just watched me intently.
It must have been there over a week or so now.

I took the cloth and rubbed at it but it remained there, the ink didn't bleed or anything. My rubbing did nothing but make his skin red, "why won't it come off?" I hummed

Once again he didn't say anything.

I rubbed the cross which was on his arm. It did the same thing when I rubbed it - only made his skin red. But the tattoo itself didn't move or bleed.

I looked up at him as the realisation hit me, "Nathaniel, you did not" I gasped

He began laughing, "took you long enough to find out"

"my hand was so shaky when I wrote that" I trace my finger over his skin once again.

"I know" he smiled, "you were so nervous and God knows why"

"oh yes" I rolled my eyes, "God knows why"

"stop rolling your eyes Evangeline" he uttered before his lips met mine.


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