Chapter 29

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I quietly unlocked the door, pushing my way through it with far too many bags for my liking. I have always travelled light but the amount of shit I needed this time was beyond annoying.

"took you long enough"
The room was pitch black but her familiar scent surrounded me.

"I thought you'd be asleep" I let the bags drop which allowed me to wrap my arms around her.

"I told you i'd wait up for you Greyson" she giggled softly

"that you did Samantha" I leant my head down against hers.

"how was your trip?" she whispered softly as she led me back towards the bedroom

"boring, how was your week alone?"

She tiptoed backwards towards the bed as her dark hair tangled it's way around my fingers.

"boring" she tilted her head back as my lips locked on to hers.

This girl was something else. The only thing that kept me bound to earth some days.
She was my little secret.
Nobody knew about her and I planned to keep it that way as long as possible.
She was my escape, I was hers.

She understood me better than anyone, never getting sulky about my shitty working hours. She was more than perfect.

"I missed you" she uttered breathlessly into my mouth,

"I missed you too" I pulled her up and pushed her onto the bed, taking her nightdress off in one go.

"clearly" she smirked

Her hands found their way under my shirt as my lips traced every inch of her soft skin.

I'd been craving this moment all week only to have it cut short with a fucking phone call.

I swear to God if it was Jax, i'd hang him myself.

I sighed as I pulled my phone out of my back pocket only for it to have Nate's name lighting up the screen.
I contemplated answering it. 

"answer him" Sam's voice cut off my thought process, "he never calls you"

I rolled my eyes before finally answering the call, "Nate"

"he's back"


The one fucking time I let myself actually have a moment of enjoyment he calls me with shit news like that.
I've been searching for months for this bastard and the one time i'm not ready to go after him, he appears.
He's always one step ahead and i'm so fucking done with it at this point.

"where is everyone?" I hissed as I walked in, I wasn't in the mood for a round up right now.

"i've sent some out already and some are still on their way" Markus replied swiftly.
I wasn't expecting to see him, he wasn't the guy Nate had left in charge.

"right okay" I ran my hands down my face in attempt to calm myself down, "what are you doing here though?"

He looked around himself before answering my question, "Isaac had an emergency or something"

"oh" I replied, "is everything alright?"

"i'm not sure of the details but he seemed in quite a rush to get out of here, asked me to cover for him and I barely got a chance to reply before he was out the door" he seemed a little pissed about the whole ordeal.

"when did he leave?" I questioned as I couldn't help but find it odd he wouldn't have called or something.

"like 15 minutes ago... just before you called" Markus gave me a nonchalant shrug as he walked off to give orders to another group of people who'd just walked in.

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