Chapter 3

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The banging on the front door had been persistent now for a couple of minutes yet no one had answered it which was odd.
I slowly peaked out of my room to find the house empty, that wasn't normal at all.
Usually people were here to all hours of the morning.

I make my way quickly down the stairs, towards the front door.
Nathan had told me never to open the door and to let someone else deal with it but nobody was around and it wasn't like this person was giving up.

I peak through the window beside the door, all I could see was a guy wearing a suit standing there with a bunch of letters in his hands.
They must have had some importance so I made the rational decision to open the front door.

"hello" I smile sheepishly, "how can I help you?"

The man gave me a surprised expression, it's safe to say he wasn't expecting to see me.
"and you are?"

"Evangeline" I replied

It took him a second but something seemed to click, "ahh yes" he nodded, "well these are for your husband, tell him they're urgent"

"okay, thank you" I take the letters from his hand before closing the door again.

I looked down at the paper in my hands, unsure of what to do with it now.
I really didn't want to take them to him, he was in an extra foul mood today. One of which I really didn't want to deal with.

I walked my way around the house, hoping i'd find Xander or Tommy or anyone else for that matter. I found them more approachable than Nathan ever was.

Sadly they were nowhere to be seen, so I finally came to the conclusion I was going to have to give them to him myself.

Fucking fantastic.

I make my way back up the stairs, towards his office, where he'd been most of the day.

I take another look at the letters in my hand, weighing up whether they were really all that urgent. Because if they weren't, I could leave them outside the door for him to find when he eventually came out.
But if they really were all that urgent, I didn't want to be the reason they didn't make it to him.

After bracing myself quickly, I lightly tap on the door.

"come in" I could almost hear his eyes roll.

He did that a lot.

I open the door, letters in hand and quickly make my way towards him. He looked at me confused, like he also wasn't expecting to see me.

"the guy said they were urgent" I muttered

He seemed annoyed as he took them from me, "you opened the door?" he questioned.

"I had to" I defended, "he'd been banging for 5 odd minutes, no one was answering"

"you should've gone to get someone" he tutted

"no one is down there" I glare at his ungratefulness. I didn't have to do bring them to him but I did.

"what do you mean?" he seemed shocked at the idea.
"I mean no one is down there... I couldn't even find your brother" I sigh

A sense of realisation crossed his face but he didn't care to elaborate to me what he'd just realised.
"then you should've come and got me"

I really don't get his thing with the damn front door.

"alright then, next time, I will come and get you" I throw my hands up in defence.

"there shouldn't be a next time" his eyes stared at me blankly, it almost seemed like he was edging for an argument to begin.

I take a deep breath, attempting to keep myself calm.
"okay... if there is a next time, I will come and get you.. happy?" I gave a fake smile.

"there's no need for the attitude, I'm just trying to ensure your safe" he shrugged

"that doesn't make any sense, I go through the damn door nearly everyday" I snap

"the difference is when you go through it, there's not a potential someone there that could hurt you" I could tell he was growing aggravated, "my father... and your father would fucking kill me if you ended up with even a scratch"

"glad to see you care then" I said sarcastically

He didn't appreciate that at all.

"you make it so fucking difficult sometimes" he leant back in his chair

"like you make things any easier" I lean on his desk.

At this point we were both glaring at each other. His eyes were cold as they stared into me. I hated every second of it.

"fuck" he groaned, finally looking away again.
"are we done here?" he sighed

Glad to see that got us absolutely nowhere. Same old shit, just a different damn day.

"yep" I mutter before backing out of the room.

"Evie?" He called out before I shut the door.
I turned around to look at him.


"thank you"


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