Chapter 57

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I basically fell in to his arms, covering my self in blood as the cries that had been pent up for years escaped my lips.
It was tears of relief.
All this time, all this misery and it was finally over.
I was finally free of him.

"you're okay" was all he kept muttering continuously. I think my reaction had taken him off guard.
He walked into the room, looking flustered. He almost seemed hesitant to tell me what he'd done.
The room cleared out when I fell into him, releasing absolutely everything.
My body ached and I'm pretty sure i'd blacked out a couple times from forgetting to breath.

My mother had walked in a few times. I don't believe she knew what to do with herself. She couldn't bring herself to look at me for any length of time. Guilt lay in her eyes.
I don't know why, it wasn't her fault.
I'd hid it from her, all of it... and even then she was still trying to keep me away from him.
I wish i'd listened to my parents, it would have saved us all so much pain but I was some dumb teen girl who didn't want to let go of her first love.

It wasn't love though, I'd forced myself into thinking it was. Thinking that if I simply gave him another chance it would be okay. That his anger was because he was drunk and that his lack of compassion was because he was tired, after all it was tiring fucking so many people.
I'd believe him every time he'd say it would be different... that he'd changed.
For a few days it would be great, like it was when we were 15. It felt like he loved me.
Then like a switch, he'd turn on me. One little sentence would set him off on a spiral.
Then it would usually end with me crying myself to sleep in complete agony.

It was my birthday and i'd wanted to spend it with my friends. I'd been at dance with Lu all day, then Luke came to get us and we headed back to theirs where Tori and Joel where already waiting.
His attitude was foul as soon as I'd walked in but he was so quick to mask it when anyone else would talk, nobody ever noticed his mood swings.
The odd time he was ever caught out, he manipulate his way out of it.

I can't even remember what i'd said to him that night which set him off.
I'd been in Lu's room with Tori and him while the twins had gone to the cellar to get drinks.
I'd never felt unsafe when someone else was in the room, but for some reason Victoria was now acting strange as well.
Her and Joel continuously shared looks at each other. I'd managed to convince myself it was nothing until it very much became something.
He quickly became angry and as I stood up to try and calm him down, he started shoving me at force towards the landing balcony.
I clawed into his skin because I knew for sure that if I was going over he was coming with me.
When he realised that plan wasn't going to work he headed towards the stairs.
I wasn't even given a chance to process anything before he picked me up.
I screamed for Victoria, I could see her in the corner. She couldn't watch, she turned her face away completely - she was fully aware of what he was about to do and did nothing.
That in itself hurt more than anything. She'd been my best friend and there she was doing nothing to help me.

I screamed out but it was too late. My whole body ached as I was thrown at full force into the wall. I couldn't feel anything after that as my body limply fell down the remaining steps and to the floor.
That's when Victoria suddenly began screaming and came running down the stairs. Joel followed quickly after her, taking on this terrified act like what had just happened wasn't his fault.

Joel placed his cold fingers on my neck and couldn't hold back his disappointment once he found out I was still alive.
When i'd finally come around to it again and the immense pain hit me like a ton of bricks, Joel held my mouth shut as he crouched down beside me.
"you fucking fell" his word were full of pure hatred as he hissed them at me.
I'd never heard him be so cold, in that moment I wanted to die to simply get away from him. To be free of him.

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