Chapter 9

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"how do you forget a whole ass girlfriend?" Jax stared at Christian with his mouth wide open.

"I didn't forget her dumbass" Chris tried defending himself but no matter what he said, nothing was making him look better.

"we were having an important discussion, I couldn't just walk off - can you all stop being so fucking judgemental - especially you" he pointed at me.

I wasn't being judgmental at all, I just wasn't stopping the others from judging him.

"me?" I glare, "I haven't said anything"

"oh please, your eyes say enough" he snapped, "you can't even get along with your wife for longer than five minutes, you have no room to judge me"

"wow" I stare, "just wow"

"sorry if I touched a nerve" Chris shrugged and sat back down

"I may not always get on with her but i've never forgotten her" I sit down opposite them all.

"so you did forget her Chris!" Jax shrieked

"I didn't!" Chris spun around to face him

"he said you forgot her, what he says is law, you know that Christian!"

Jax was drunk... again.

Christian looked at me again, disgust on his face.

I shrugged in response.
"sorry if I struck a nerve"

"you bastard-"

"right! enough of that for tonight" Greyson spoke up.

"no it's not!" Christian whined.
For not forgetting her, he seems really defensive about the whole damn thing.

"Christian, leave it, he's riling you up and you're letting him" Grey stood up

I sat there with a smirk on my face.
It only pissed him off more.

"this isn't over" he glared

"talk to me when you can walk bambi"
The words slipped out of my mouth before i'd even realised, however I didn't regret them.

"NATHANIEL!" Grey and Xander scolded

"OH MY GOD" Jax began hysterically laughing on the floor

Chris stared at me, "I took a bullet for you"

"and i've taken 3 for you bambi" I shrug,

"well I didn't know statistics mattered to you that much" he glared

"they don't but you brought it up, now are we done here?"

"I guess so" Chris huffed

"I can't believe you" Xander looked at me stunned,

"did I lie?" I blink

"would have hurt my ego less if you had" Chris muttered from beside me.
He was acting like a damn child.

"that seems like a you problem, don't give if you can't take"

"we can continue this tomorrow, Christian go get your girl- do you remember what she looks like?" Greyson asked

That sent Jax off again. He was rolling around the floor having the time of his life.

"you're all going to hell" Christian got up and limped away.
"do you need help bambi?" I called towards him, "you know I love you really"

"yeah yeah" He waved me off.
I got up and followed him anyways

"she's going to be pissed" he whispered,

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