Chapter 56

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That one fucker had been glaring at me the whole damn time i'd been sat in here. It was taking everything in me not to take him out right here and now but Evie had assured me, it wasn't worth the risk.
In my opinion it was but I wasn't going to upset her even further.
The red headed girl, who i've learned is called Victoria, sat next to him, looking at her shoes. Mila didn't like her and that was enough for the rest of us to go on.

The other two, Lucille and Lucas, seemed alright. I'm pretty sure I knew their father - Levi Montgomery, he'd been a good friend of my dads.

Neither of them had said much. Lucille seemed scared and Lucas seemed angry, however as time went on they seemed to warm up a little. Lucille seemed especially interested in Jaxon, that in itself was a whole other worry.

"did you get back to dancing Ev?" Lucille grabbed both of Evie's hands in excitement.
I could feel Evie tense up in my arms.

"no, I couldn't" she laughed quietly

"I thought you could" Lucille frowned, "she was such a beautiful dancer" she looked up at me

"titanium rods and screws don't really work with ballet pumps Lu" Evie sighed

"says who?" she pulled Evie to her feet, "not like you to listen anyways"

"Lu, I can't" She tried to sit back down but was pulled back up again

"nonsense" Lucille shook her head, "just start off easy like me"

She rose up onto her toes insisting that Evie followed. Evie eventually gave in and rose up, standing on the edge of her shoes.
She hissed in pain and quickly lowered her self down again. I moved forward in my seat, ready to pull her back to me if needed.
This was something I, again, didn't know about. I was just praying she wasn't keeping anything serious from me.
I knew about the broken leg but I didn't know about dance. If i'd known I would have encouraged her to get back to it. It's clear she loved it from the abundance of videos and pictures i'd been shown from her mother.

"well if it isn't the consequences of your own actions" The guy finally broke his stare as he made his remark.

"what is that suppose to mean Joel?" Evangeline asked in a soft voice

"you know exactly what I mean" he scoffed as he sat forward and brought his attention towards me again, "were you made aware how awful she becomes with alcohol in her system?"

Was he really trying to shit talk about my wife to me?
"Joel stop it" she pleaded with him.

Even Lucas, who really hadn't done or said much, sat forward in his seat.

"no" his tone was sharp with her, "he deserves to know, after all he's the poor bastard who's now stuck with you"
I take a deep breath in, attempting to calm myself down. This guy had a lot of nerve.
Xander, Jax and Grey had all stood up, Christian moved forward. He and Mila had been standing there this whole time, silently watching everything happen.

He and the red head stood up which startled Lucille and in turn made Lucas stand up. Everyone was now standing except me.
I kept my eyes glued on him.

"she was so fucking plastered one night, she fell down the stairs" he turned his gaze towards her, "I tried to help you that night baby but you just couldn't be reasoned with, I was done being hit and clawed at" he pulled his sleeves up to reveal white scar lines all over them.

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