Chapter 26

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September 8th

It was getting much colder now, something I didn't appreciate all that much.
You think i'd be use to it, compared I grew up in England where the forecast consisted of rain and grey skies pretty much all year round but apparently it hadn't taken my body that long to forget those miserable conditions.

The September evenings were beautiful however, especially in New York City.

I remember seeing movies as a child where the main characters would be running down the orange tree lined streets, usually with a coffee in their hands.
It was pretty similar in my opinion, however Mila very much disagreed and said it was just more stupid stereotypes that Hollywood fed and wasn't in anyway similar to actual New York .

She's off the hook for being so negative as she's growing a whole little person but as soon as they're here, she better become a little bit more positive because life is too damn sad to not simply enjoy the orange trees in their little cages on the footpath.

We'd been in the city a few months now, it wasn't overly far from the house but it was a completely different lifestyle here.
It was peaceful and calm at the house, there was no neighbours just birds and flowers, whereas, here was very different.
There were neighbours below us, however that was Mila and Christian so as far as neighbours go, they were pretty great. There wasn't as many birds here and there certainly wasn't many flowers unless I was willing to take the 10 minute walk to central park.
Me and Mila did it regularly, however she was growing less fond of it by the day.

Again putting down her current miserableness to growing the little human.

Nathan and I had basically come to the decision that going back to the apartment in the city was the best decision for the moment in time.

In Greysons words - it's better for environment as nobody has to drive as much.
But being closer to everything hasn't stopped Jax from bringing a new car to work every week.

The rise in pay has only made him more irresponsible but Nathan insists he'll grow out of it. I don't believe that one bit.

Nathan had been less restless here though, which made me happy. The nightmares seem to be less frequent.

For a while, I didn't think they would stop but being in a new place seems to have actually helped him.
I was concerned he was gonna get sick from the lack of sleep he was getting.

As for Ricardo, we still haven't found him. Nate has people out there looking for him, but as Nathan suspected, he completely disappeared. It looked like this man never existed, let alone interacted with us. It was incredible really.
To be able to wipe away your entire existence was impressive.

I want to be happy that he's not around but I know it's only a matter of time before he resurfaced again.
It's like the worlds worst waiting game.

"are you not fucking cold out here?" Nate's voice brought me out of my trance.
I turned around to see him standing in the doorway.
"i'm alright" I shrug.

I was, in fact, not alright but i'd committed to the cause of watching the sunset on the balcony, much to his dismay.

I could feel his arms wrap around me, instantly heating me up.
"you are cold" he whispered in my ear, sending tingles all over my body.
I'd been married to this man for months, been slammed against the bed multiple times, had him inside me multiple times yet nothing matched the feeling he'd give me by simply whispering to me.

The sensation fled down my body as his grip tightened around me.
"you should come back inside"

I didn't have much choice in the matter as he pulled me off the seat.
"the sky is pretty at this time of night" I whined whilst trying to hold my ground.

"you know what else is pretty at this time of night?" a smirk formed on his face.

One which I knew too well.

His lips locked on mine as he pulled us back into the bedroom. He did it so effortlessly.

His soft touches and smiles between kisses consumed me. He had me wrapped around his fingers.

He continued to control our movements and soon enough the bed was under me. I let myself fall back as his hand crept under my dress.

"you are so pretty at this time off night" he was breathless as he planted kisses all over my neck.

My back arched as his arm wrapped around me, pulling us closer together.
"so fucking pretty" he muttered, sending the butterflies in my stomach crazy.
He planted kisses all down my body before running his fingers along the lining of my underwear.
I pull at him, yearning for more, begging for more.

The smirk on his face only grows. It's like he enjoyed taunting me.

I pull at his trousers, unbuttoning them. Using my own legs, I managed to completely remove them in a matter of minutes.

His mouth continued to mark me as I lay beneath him, waiting for him to make the next move.
"what do you want Evangeline?"
His words poked at me, taunted me.

The darkness in his eyes only continued to grow as he hungered for more.
"you" I whispered breathlessly, "just you"

I could feel his heartbeat fasten, his skin was on mine. The heat between us only continued to rise.

"then that what you get sunshine"

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