Chapter 23

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"your husband is mean" Mila sighed as I zipped up her dress.
Her eyes watched me in the mirror.

"you're just finding that out?" I laugh

"I can't get off my face drunk at this, i'm going to be miserable" She turned around to face me

"at least you look pretty" I gave her a reassuring smile but she turned her face up in return.

"alright then" I mutter, "but look on the bright side, at least Christian told everyone, so now you don't have to hold your breath around them anymore"

"ahh yes, that makes this so much better" she replied bluntly as she helped me zip up my own dress.

"they really aren't all that bad, i've been attending them since I was little... it's only a dinner"

"you really are a bad liar" she let out an over exaggerated sigh

"i'm trying to make you feel better"

"it's not working"

"i'm getting that" I shake my head

"are you two nearly ready?" Nathan knocked on the door, growing aggravated.
He'd been ready for the past half hour.

"mhm" I hum

Nate walked in with Christian behind him, looking just as miserable as Mila.
None of us wanted to go but me and Nate had to. He was being mean by dragging the rest of them along but I was glad they were coming.
It meant i'd be able to be with Mila and maybe things wouldn't seem as awful as they normally were.

Nathan eyes traced me up and down. I didn't know if I loved or hated when he did that. It always made my cheeks flush up.

He walked towards me, pulling me into his grip, "it's unfortunate we have to leave now" he whispered in my ear.

My whole body shivered at the sound of his voice. It was incredibly unfortunate.

We all headed out to the car, I was simply thanking God that we all weren't in one car. I don't know how much more whining I can put up with.

"I actually fucking hate these things" I mutter as Nathan gets in beside me.

"I know" he sighed, "but at least we won't have to attend another one of these things for the next year or so"

"that didn't make me feel better"

"well you can't say I didn't try" he shrugged

"i'll give you that"

"it'll be fine, we'll smile and leave- God, I sound like my father" he shook his head

The car ride wasn't that long, there wasn't a lot of traffic and on the bright side Mr Petrov didn't live too far away. The only reason i'd agreed to go tonight was because he was hosting it.
He was the nicest man and honestly I find it hard to believe some of the things i'm told about him.

He greeted us at the door with open arms, bringing both me and Nathan in at once.
"Ahh, Nathaniel and Evangeline, look how grown up you both are" he smiled whilst readjusting Nate's tie,
"I remember when you were both little ones who would cry non stop"

It always confused me how me and Nathan had never crossed paths. Not even once.
We had many people in common yet i'd never heard of him nor had I met him until the day i'd married him.
It seemed like we'd been hidden from each other or something.

"ahhh Alexander, look how tall you've gotten" Even Xander hugged him back, which was really unheard off, Xander hated being touched... if you couldn't tell.

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