Chapter 59

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It was oddly quiet as we drove down the road. I chose to ignore it because tonight couldn't get any worse than it already was.
This was God being nice and giving me a clear road to drive on, that's all.

"y'know I was thinking we should go back to house once all this William shit is over" I sighed, "it might be nice to get a fresh start there"

"we can go wherever you want" Nate looked up from his phone, "all you have to do is say"

I gave him back a small smile. I'd seemingly ran out of conversation with him all of a sudden. That never fucking happens.
I think both of us were still in shock from earlier. He'd managed to tell me what Joel told him. He struggled to even look at me straight without tears forming in his eyes. All he could say was he was sorry, like it was somehow his fault - which it obviously wasn't.
I don't know how to talk to him about this stuff, clearly he doesn't know how to go about it either.
We'll have to talk about it eventually but now doesn't really seem the right time for either of us.

I'd been enjoying being back in the UK but honestly at this point I just wanted to go home now and forget all this even happened.

I couldn't ignore this nagging feeling in the back of my head. I was driving down a road in which I used to skip down with Lucille when I was younger. It used to be the epitome of safe yet right now I felt everything but that.

"somethings not right" I muttered

"what do you mean?" he sat up stiffly in his seat

"This doesn't feel right... this road is never this quiet" I tighten my grip on the steering wheel.
I really wish he was driving right now.

"it's late on a week night, you're just on edge" he tried to calm me down

"yeah" I tried to relax a little, "yeah, you're probably right"

He placed his hand on my thigh, squeezing me a little. It brought little to no comfort at this moment in time.

Why the fuck did I volunteer? i'm not even hungry.

I thought I wanted out of the house but i'm realising a walk around the garden would have probably done the job just fine.

I finally spotted a car coming down the road. It was quite a distant away so I couldn't really make it out, but simply seeing it made me feel sick.

Something wasn't right, I know something isn't right.

The car seemed to be speeding up. I gave it a few seconds to check my eyes weren't playing games with me, after all it was basically pitch black outside right now and I couldn't see in the distance all that well.

After i'd actually established that the car was most definitely speeding up, I turned to Nate who didn't seem fazed at all.
That freaked me out more, he was usually the quickest to pick up when something was wrong.

"do you trust me?" I asked shakily

"what?" he turned to face me, "of course I trust you"

"okay then" I take a deep breath in before pulling the hand break up and spinning the wheel, causing us to drift around so we were facing the other way, as soon as I could, I slammed my foot into the accelerator.

I checked my mirror and suddenly that car now had friends who were chasing us down the road.
"holy shit Evie" Nate gasped, "where the fuck did you learn to drive like that?"

"the asda car park" I pressed even harder on the accelerator but the cars behind seemed to be catching up faster than I liked.
I needed to get to a more civilised area, I was even tempted to head to a police station but I knew that would cause more problems than it would solve.

Nate finally looked out the back window. You could see the colour drain from his face as he realised what was happening.

"fuck" he cursed, "are you good to drive?"

"we don't have much of a choice angel" I laughed, this whole situation was fucking laughable.

"right" he nodded as he unbuckled his seat belt and slid the seat right back so he could get a better view.

"is it him?" I didn't want to know the answer to that question

"I can't tell" he shook his head as he pulled himself forward again

"where do I go?" I try to keep my eyes straight ahead because every time, I looked back they were even closer, "do I go home?"

"no" He shook his head, "if I know him well enough, people will be on their way there, we'll be overwhelmed"

I panicked, thinking about the rest of them, at least they had the advantage of being on home turf.

"head towards the city" he finally decided, "the traffic should give us time to loose them"

"o-okay" I stuttered breathlessly

"the one time you fucking drive" he shook his head, "but don't worry! you're perfectly capable, you can do this"
His words weren't overly reassuring right now but it's all I have.

"you should call them to warn them and get us some back up"

"that's a good idea" he lifted my phone, his had suddenly disappeared. It was probably on the floor somewhere.
I'd never seen him this fucking flustered before. Was he actually fucking panicking right now?

He called my mum as she was the first one on speed dial.

"just keep driving Eva, you're going to be fine" My mum shaky voice also attempted to reassure me, she was in a no better state than he was.

The call ended with her sending people to help us. At least something was happening that was actually beneficial.

"we must've been really shitty people in a past life" I swallow, "because this is the worst fucking Karma i've ever seen"

"it'll be better in our next life" he laughed quietly

Suddenly another car pulled out in front of us.

"Nathan!" I screamed

"oh shit!" he threw his arm across me. It seemed like he already knew my next move.

Break Check!

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