Chapter 22

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"the best thing to do would be to put it on a new chain, then at least you have the little diamond on it" Christian looked over at Evie, who seemed disappointed, "he's completely destroyed that chain, it's not fixable unfortunately"

"that chain is so pretty too" she sighed taking it from his hand

"i'm sorry I couldn't do more" he frowned

"no, it's alright, thank you though" she patted his shoulder before walking towards me.

"why was he so interested in a necklace?" she muttered.
"it's probably worth something" I replied

"not worth anything now, he fucking broke it" she seemed more pissed off than upset now.
I followed her as she ran up the stairs,

"now I have to sacrifice another necklace and it won't even look the same" she was rambling on as she rummaged through her jewellery box.
She had a shit ton of expensive jewellery, most of which she never wore.

She wore the necklace from her mother, my mothers wedding ring and she would change up her bracelets every so often, but even then it seemed to be the same ones on rotation. She liked what she liked and that was that.

I sat silently at the end of her bed as she continued on. I felt it best just to let her get it all out before saying anything.

"does this look like the same silver?" she handed me a necklace and then the broken chain.

I looked down at both of them, truth be told, I didn't know you could get different 'shades' of silver.
"I think so" I give her a small smile before handing both back to her.

"this one will do then" she chirped, whilst pulling the little charm of the necklace and replacing it with the diamond.
She stopped quite abruptly, staring at it.

"what is it?" I ask her, growing a little concerned.

She didn't reply to me, she simply pulled her wedding ring off which took me by surprise.

I was racking my brain trying to think of where i'd fucked up but we'd been fine... amazing even over this last week. After the whole Jessica situation, our relationship had only gotten better. Which, now I think, is an odd thing to say.

She pulled the ring up and the necklace up beside one another.
I nervously watched as she carefully inspected both.
"they're the same" she muttered

"what?" I shuffle closer to her

"they're identical" she handed them both to me and just as she'd said, they were both identical.
"they're from the same set" she fiddled around with them in my hand.

"how'd our parents meet?" she looked up at me.

"I thought they were business partners, nothing more than that" I replied, feeling a sense of dread wash over me.

"they've hidden so much from us" she sighed as she slid the ring back on.
I was relieved to see that.

"i'll look into" I take the necklace and help her out it back on, "but nobody wants to talk about this guy at all, it's like he's been fucking blacklisted"

"maybe he has" she stared at me blankly

"someone knows something" I shake my head

"and you'll find them" she lightly kissed my cheek.

I wish I was as sure as she was.


It had been yet another restless night. At this point sleep had become a rarity. I hadn't slept properly in months and I fear it was beginning to take its toll.

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