Chapter 32

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It had been a week since we'd last heard from Isaac or William.
I couldn't say I was surprised but I definitely was growing more aggravated about it by the day.

I walked out of our bedroom to see Xander and Jax still standing there, and still complaining.

"you seem a little more chipper" Jax smirked at me.

"sure" I blinked, "any news from Grey?"

"he called whilst you were talking to Eva" Xander answered, "they found another group of his guys just out of state, they're on their way back now"

"good" I nodded

"they won't speak" Jax added, "it'll be the same as the others"

"I know" I replied, "but I don't need them to speak, I just need them"

He looked at me with confusion written all over his face, "I don't get it"

"if they're with us, it means they can't help him... i'm taking his man power" I shrugged

"ohhhh" Jax smiled, "that makes sense"

"what did you think we were doing?" Xander shoved him a little

"honestly I didn't know"

That's always reassuring.
"....anyways," I continued, "what went down last night?"

"no one was hurt, just a fire and we caught the guys who started it" Xander slid me a picture across the table, "do you recognise them?"

"no" I shook my head, "should I?"

"no but I just wanted to check"

"how much money has that set me back then?" I sighed

"couple hundred" he muttered

"that's not bad, why'd you say it like that?"

"couple hundred Thousand" Jax repeated


"mhm" he hummed as he looked away.

I have the money but I can't just keep dosing out a couple hundred thousand each week or soon i'm not going to have the money. I don't like repairing what he breaks.

"right okay then" I groan

"we're going to head over and talk to Markus, i'll call you later" Xander tapped my shoulder before him and Jax headed towards the door, "he's getting antsy Nate, we just need to patient"

I nodded and watched as they left.
I was being patient but it's just that now I was very much on a time limit with finding this fucker.

I'm doing everything I can to inconvenience him.
Over the past week, i've already brought in 300+ of his guys and burnt three buildings, all listed under his name, to the ground.
I can't say I wasn't finding it fun because I was.
I know it was working as well because he was desperately trying to hit back.

Last night he hit one of our smaller buildings which was basically abandoned.
(although will still need fucking repaired, hence Xander and Jaxon's visit)

He's just aiming for anything he could at this point.

He's planning for something bigger, I know he is and it's been sitting at the back of my head for days now.
I feel our best way of out smarting him is to simply be prepared for the worst, then whenever it comes we'll always be ready.
But living like that is exhausting and is honestly quite miserable.

"you good?" Evie appeared out of nowhere.

"yep" I smiled down at her

"you love staring into space" she laughed softly, "what were you thinking about?"

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