Chapter 42

17 1 0

November 25th

"just pull that piece over the centre piece, then do the same with the other side, I promise you it's easy" I gave him a reassuring smile whilst watching him go through several stages of confusion.

"okay so this piece here, then this piece here" He was actually very concentrated as he moved strands of my hair around.
"mhm" I hum

"oh that actually worked" he seemed surprised

"of course it does" I laughed

Laughing was actually an incredibly painful thing to do at the moment but it was hard not to laugh when around him.
"gonna be messy as fuck though when you sit up"

"i'll just lay here forever then" I shrug

"fine with me" he kissed the top of my head before leaning back against the sofa.

We'd been laying on the floor for like an hour now. I'm not 100% sure on how we ended up here but we did.
We got home this morning and we'd been here since.
We'd managed to get through 4 films already. None were all that good but they were those hallmark movies you watch at Christmas time and it never really mattered how good they were, you just simply had to watch them.
It was a rule. 

My phone began to ring in my pocket. Not many people had my number, i'd made sure of that so I knew it could really only be my mother.
I was glad to hear from her finally.
It had been a while.

"hi star" her voice was just as excited as I felt

"hi mama" I sit up and somehow the hair still looked fine.
Nathan gave me a pleased smile.

"it's good to hear your voice, i'm glad you're okay" Her voice was always sweet, like honey, but I could tell something was bugging her.

"me too" I laugh softly, "are you okay?"

"oh yes i'm fine" my question caught her off guard.

"mum... you can't lie to me, you're a bad liar"
Clearly where I got that from.

"I finally went into your fathers office after... well everything" she paused waiting for my reaction

"oh" was all I could bring myself to say.
Neither of us had really spoken about my father since that day. I suppose us speaking about it actually makes it real which neither of us wanted it to be.

"I didn't want to, but something made me... that doesn't matter, my point in telling you this is that he had a box full of stuff for you and Nathaniel, I think you both would like to see it" her tone picked up a little, I knew where she was headed with this conversation.

"what's in the box?" I questioned

"oh old pictures, stuff your father and Xavier deemed important enough to keep, just a bunch of everything really"

"sounds like dad" I laugh, "you all were quite close at one point weren't you?"

"who darling?" she was deflecting the question.

"you, dad, Xavier and Florence, when you speak of them, you're reminiscing not just telling me something, it was the same with Xavier when I would speak to him, never got the chance to talk to dad about it but I imagine he would have had the same reaction"

at this point, I'd caught Nathan's attention. He gave me a confused look.

"i've known Xavier since I was 5, he was my other half, as for your father and Florence, I met them when we started secondary school, we were inseparable " she paused, I knew I wasn't going to get much more out of her.
"come to London and i'll tell you both everything you want to know Evangeline, I can't tell you over the phone, you know why"

"you think he's still listening?" I pull the phone away from my ear slightly.

"it's perfectly possible, I wouldn't put it past the sick bastard" I could almost see the disgust on her face
"well the sun is coming up now, so i'm going to have to go but please do think about coming over soon alright, I know it's hard"

"I will, i'll see you soon"
I hated when our phone calls ended, I missed her terribly.

"is everything alright?" Nathan asked as I put the phone down.

"yeah" I nod

"and?" he looks at me, edging me on.

"and what?"

"there's more to that" he moved across the floor to be beside me instead of facing me.

"she wants us to come to England, apparently my dad left stuff for us"
I leant against his shoulder. Everything had suddenly become much more exhausting.

"well we can do that in the new year, but i'm getting the feeling you don't want to" he placed his fingers under my chin to pull my face towards him.

"he won't be there when I go back, at least now I can pretend he's just 1000s of miles away, I can't do that there"

He gave me a sad smile, "you can't pretend forever baby, it might be good for you to go back"

"yeah maybe" I sighed

There was a light knock on the door.
"Xander, you have a key" Nate glared at the door.

He was exceptionally good at knowing who was there before even seeing the person. It wasn't just with knocking... I don't know how he does it. It's like he has everyone's traits memorised to a tee.

We both stood up as he unlocked the door and walked in. It was just him.
Thank God because I really couldn't be dealing with a full house right now.
Nate hadn't allowed any of them over yet because quite frankly I wasn't ready to see them all yet.
I loved them all dearly but it was like having a house of toddlers on crack.

"oh i'm so glad you're okay" he pulled me into a hug.
It was strange because he definitely wasn't this kind of person.
Nathan looked just as confused as me.
"i'm okay" I laugh, "are you okay?"

"i'm okay"

"so we're all okay?" Nathan stood there waiting for something else to happen.
It was clear his brothers sudden want to show affection had unnerved him.

"I think so" I tilt my head

"that's good then" he sighs and sits back down, leaving me stranded like a doll in Xander's arms.

"alright then" I sigh

At least I know he likes me.

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