Chapter 35

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November 3rd

"but it's your 20th fucking birthday" Mila groaned, "we can't not celebrate"

"well we can..." Jax and Xander said in unison

I gave a soft smile in return. All the guys have been fine with me not celebrating because they do the same.
It's just a thing we all have I guess... a superstition but it's one we intent to uphold because the last time I personally didn't, I ended up in a&e.
I'm not looking for round two.

Mila still couldn't wrap her head around the concept and called us all idiots for believing in such things.
She just doesn't get it... and that's okay, I guess.

"you've not had an issue with anyone else not celebrating, why me?" I questioned her.

"because I like you more" she grinned

"Thanks" Chris muttered

"it's important Eva, it's your 20th birthday and your first one away from home"

Another reason why celebrating simply feels wrong.

"alright" Nate sighed, clearly growing tired of the conversation, "you're coming with me"

I didn't have much of a say before his arm wrapped around my waist and dragged me in the opposite direction to our friends.

"where are we going?" I attempted to look up at him but the angle I was in made it difficult.

"away from them" he smiled

He pulled us into a small storage closet.
"This feels like high school" he laughed quietly as he tucked my hair behind my ears.

"what were you doing in high school?" I blinked

"not you unfortunately"

"Nathaniel" I hit his hand.

"it's the truth" he continued to laugh as his mouth connected with mine.

His hands became entangled in my hair as my own arms wrapped around him in desperation to bring him closer to me.

His touches were soft yet rough all at once as his hands ran up and down my body.
It was only a matter of time before my legs nearly gave out from under me.
It was taking a lot for me to keep them up right... and together.

"let it happen" he whispered, "i've got you"

His hand traced along the insides of my thighs, sending rushes of sensation all over my body.
His words set every part of me on fire and it was only a matter of time before I gave in.

"Nate" A knock at the door quickly destroyed everything.
"Nate I know you're in there" Greyson's familiar voice sounded aggravated.

"that better be your ghost speaking to me" Nate swore as he pulled away from me and fixed his shirt, "because the only viable reason you should have interrupted me for is that you're fucking dead"

I held my hand over my mouth to hide the laugh that escaped my lips.
Nate looked down at me, his expression instantly softening.

"dude you know I wouldn't cockblock you if it wasn't urgent" Grey was now twisting the door handle.

"cockblock?" I repeated his words

"never heard of that sunshine?" Nate laughed as he opened the door.
"no" I shook my head

"well you just experienced it" Greys grin met us.

I didn't even wait to hear what was so urgent, I was already making my way down the corridor.

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