Chapter 47

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"another one?" I take the piece of paper from Peter's hand.

Remember the guy who called me Nathan's Whore - yes he's that guy.

Safe to say me and him don't have the best relationship but since his lovely comments, he's been stuck doing the jobs around here that nobody wants.
He'll continue doing them until I see some sort of change in his attitude towards women and people in general.
As of right now, there's been minimal and all he seems to do is sulk around like the child he is.

"well obviously" he glared

"talk to me like that again, I dare you" I smirk, hoping he'd slip up and I can finally force him to work with someone else around here... like Greyson.

I wasn't happy he was here, he reminded me of a time in my life i'd quite like to forget. It didn't help that he was a complete two faced kiss ass who seemed to know when one of the boys were around at any point in time.
He'd be the kindest soul you'd ever meet when they were around but the moment I was alone or with Mila, he'd switch up and spit the most vulgar shit at us.

I have the ability to let him go, Nate told me to do it on multiple occasions but part of me knows that at least if he's here treating me like shit, he's not out in the real world treating an innocent women like shit.

He rolled his eyes, once again acting like a complete child, but at least this time he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

I sign the piece of paper and hand it back to him. It was 100% something Nate could be doing but for some reason he's hid himself outside all day. I've let him be as he's seemed miserable the last few days.
I don't think he's all too fond on the holidays and i'm sure he'll be glad once they're over.
I get it though, this Christmas didn't feel all too great.

"thanks" he grabbed the paper and began to walk out of the room.

"you do realise if you had a better attitude, you wouldn't be stuck doing shit all the time" I call after him

He turned around, the glare still on his face,
"you nearly got me fired, sorry if I don't feel like being all that happy around you"

"no you were fired, i'm the reason you still have a job dumbass (after much convincing from Greyson, Nathan said no immediately to the second chance) but that won't be for much longer unless you clean up your childish fucking attitude, you're 23, act like it" I snap at him, "now go before I fire you myself"
I wave him off, thankfully he left without saying anything more.
Honestly he's one of the only people I know who gets on my nerves like that.
Even Nate wasn't like that.
He's beyond ridiculous.

It was nearly 10pm and I just wanted to leave here already, we'd basically been here all day.
I'd also like to point out its new year's eve and yet we're stuck here.
I wanted to leave like yesterday.
I didn't feel like this was the place I wanted to bring the new year in but at this rate it felt like it was gonna be here or the car ride home.

"hi little DeLuca" Greyson walked in, seeming extra cheerful

"hi Grey" I laugh, "what are you doing here?"

"i'm here to ask you really nicely to get Nate to call it a night" he tilted his head down at me, giving the biggest smile he could.

"why don't you ask him yourself?" I raise my eyebrows

"because I don't want to" He tapped the desk in front of me, "you go and i'll do whatever your suppose to be doing" he pointed to the pile of paper work beside me.

"alright" I hop up from the seat

"atta girl" he gave me a boyish smirk before I left the room.

I make my way to the back, where I hoped Nathan would still be. I swear I spend a good proportion of my time looking for this man. It's rather inconvenient.

"hi stranger" I leant against the wall and waited for him to turn around.
It was clear from the mess on the ground, he'd been out here shooting cardboard up all day.
He turned around slowly at the sound of my voice, his face lighting up as he finally looked in my direction.
"you've been M.I.A all day"

"I know" he gave me a lazy smile

"i've missed you" I walk towards him.

"really huh?" his eyes grew dark as he watched me

"mhm" I hum, "are you okay?"
His eyes flickered away from me.

"don't look away from me, what is it?" I grabbed his hand, he was freezing.

"let's go inside"
I try to pull him towards the door but he held his ground, "Nathan?"

His whole mood changed in an instant, something I didn't like.

"i'll be in later" he snapped at me, something he hadn't done in ages.
I let his hand drop, making him realise what he'd done.

"i'm sorry" he ran his hands through his hair as he sighed, "I didn't-"

"I know," I cut him off

"it's my fucking dad" he looked away, letting out a sharp laugh, however it wasn't happy.
"he waited all year for this damn season" he looked at the snow covered ground, "only time he ever seemed happy"

"it's okay to let yourself grieve him" I speak quietly, "he was still your dad"

"he was a fucking bastard" he spat the words out like they were venom in his mouth.

"he wasn't always and you know that, you're allowed to grieve that version of him, you're allowed to miss who you once knew"

He finally looked up at me again, "I hate him"

"I know you do, but that 10 year old kid doesn't, that kid's allowed to be upset" I placed my hand against him.
"it's okay to love and hate him all at once and it's okay to miss something you used to have, stop hating yourself because of that, because of him!Because the more you punish yourself for it, the more he wins"

He looked down at me, placing my chin between his fingers, "I love you"

"making me marry you was the only good thing he did"

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