Chapter 49

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"you all need to be free the last week of January end off" I shouted, closing the laptop

"birthday in London" Jax laid down on the couch beside me.

"you'll be able to drink legally" I smile

"about damn time"

"I don't like the idea of him flying with a bunch of strangers" Mila stood by rocking Toby.

"well Mila, we need a pilot, none of us can fly a plane" Jax laughed

"I bet Greyson could"  I nudged him

"y'know I bet he could" Jax agreed

"I don't mean the pilot dumbass, I mean all the other passengers" she replied

Me and Jax both looked at her confused.

"why are you both looking at me like that?" she blinked

"there are no other passengers" I replied

"huh?" She set Toby down in his travel cot, "what do you mean?"

The rest of them walked in to the living room and found somewhere to sit. Nate sat down beside me and dragged me on to his lap.
He was freezing leading me to believe he'd been outside.

So I was shouting to absolutely nobody earlier.

"you're cold" I mutter

"I know and now you're heating me up" he grinned.

"what are we talking about?" Greyson asked

"Sweets finally booked flights to London" Jax chirped

"for when?" Grey looked at me

"last week in January, it was the only time we didn't all seem busy" I flicked through Nate's phone, ensuring I was correct.
I was.

"Jax is getting his birthday there!" Mila added, "but back to the plane thing- you two never answered me"

"answered about what?" Christian looked up at her.

"I don't like the idea of taking the baby on a plane full of strangers - he might get sick" she answered him.

"what other people?" he gave her a confused expression.

"you're now giving me the same expression" she seemed fed up.

"we fly private Miles" he laughed

"seriously?" she looked around at all of us.

"yes" I stared back, "i've never stepped foot in a commercial plane and I plan to keep it that way"

"same" Xander agreed, the rest of them all nodded

"unbelievable" she shook her head, "you are all unbelievable"

"why would we want to share air with a bunch of strangers for hours at a time?" Jax looked disgusted at the thought.

"not all of us have a choice" Mila sighed, "i'm going on a walk" she got up and left.

We all kind of stared at each other for a minute.
"I feel like we're all real tone deaf sometimes" Nathan spoke up
"mhm" we all agreed

"I should probably go after her" Christian stood up, "do you mind watching him for a moment?"

"yeah, go on" Greyson waved him on

"okay thanks" Christian ran out the door

"do babies need passports?" Xander picked Toby up, "cause he's gonna look different in an hour, let alone a whole month"

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