Chapter 61

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Everything was such a blur from the moment I slammed my foot on the break. The two cars slammed into the back of us sending us skidding into the other car that was in front of us.
I watched everything happen in slow motion. I felt my whole body be thrown around the car as it made impact with the others.
It was quite easily one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, I had no control and quite frankly thought I was going to die.

I must've blacked out for a few seconds because when I woke up, everything had stopped. My ears were ringing as the sound of car alarms filled them.
It was agony.

I looked around at the mess around us.
The car in front of us was a mangled mess and I could see one of the others cars in my wing mirror, it was completely flipped and I honestly don't know how that happened.
The driver was more than definitely dead.
I couldn't see the other car because it was literally in mine.
I slowly turned around to check, there's was blood everywhere. If he hadn't died on impact, he definitely died because of blood loss.

As for the car in front, the driver was still alive and moving around a little. I couldn't see his face but I was fully aware of who it was.

"Nate we need to get out of here" I take my seatbelt off, which I believe is the reason i'm still fucking alive, and began kicking at the door to open it up. It literally wasn't budging.

"can you get yours?" I finally turned to face Nathan.
He was covered in blood and his body lay limp against the door.
I couldn't contain the scream I let out.
He couldn't be fucking dead.
He just couldn't be.

"oh my God" I cried as I began lifting myself up in my seat, it allowed me to reach over and pull him towards me.

"Nathan please wake up" I began sobbing.
I shook him, which in reality probably wasn't the correct thing to do, it could have made things a lot worse for him.

He groaned a little as his hand rushed to his head, "what the fuck" his voice was all scratchy, like he'd just woken up.

"oh thank God" I finally allowed myself to breath again.

He hadn't opened his eyes yet and it was clear he wasn't fully conscious, more like he was slipping in and out of it.

"you need to stay awake angel" I tried to wipe away the blood on his face but there was so much. I couldn't see any gashes although I know there has to be one... or multiple.

"the ringing noise" he stuttered

"you've hit your head, it'll pass" I try to reassure him but I don't think he was listening to me.

"I can smell gas Evie" he tried kicking his door but he didn't have the strength to do anything.

I could smell it too, I was hoping it was just in my head but clearly not.

"fuck it" I pulled my legs up and kicked through the already shattered windscreen.
I hissed as the glass pierced my skin but it seemed to only be superficial cuts.

I managed to move the glass enough so that I could squeeze myself out the front.
Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, however getting over the fucking steering wheel was a a task.

I ran around to Nate's door and began to pull it, he kicked it from the other side and after a couple tries we managed to get it open.
Car manufacturers really need to work on their doors because they always seem to jam in situations where they really need to be opened.
Like in the movies where they get trapped in a car underwater and for some reason the door won't open.

I helped him out of the car but he could barely stand. This is where him being 9 inches fucking taller than me caused issues.

"we need to get across the road angel, come on" I attempted to take as much of his weight as I could.

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