Chapter 40

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November 11th

The crash was too loud for it to have simply been the wind.
I took a deep breath, calming myself down before entering his office.
I hadn't been in there since that night i'd found him, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
That day is always repeating in my mind, how if i'd been there, the outcome might've been different. Maybe I wouldn't be completely alone.

"you don't look much different Lottie, it's been what? 15 years now?" he still had that smile. That one i'd seen for the first time at only 11, it still made me physically sick.

"haven't you done enough?" I scowl

"oh Lottie, I haven't even started" he began to laugh

"what do you want William?"

"I can't come and say hello to an old friend?" he began fiddling with stuff placed around the room.
"how's that sweet girl of Daniels holding up? and that baby of hers? I assume she's probably lost it by now"

There wasn't enough words in the fucking dictionary to describe how angry he made me. All these years, all this time, he'd never changed. He'd always been the same narcissist asshole.

"don't you fucking dare" I spat in his direction

"oh Lottie calm down, i'm being sympathetic... after all I know how it feels when someone takes away your unborn child" he was incredibly close to me now

"stop calling me that" I glare whilst backing away.

"you always were my favourite, y'know that" he pulled his fingers through my hair. "This was never personal to you doll, I just had to do what needed to be done"

"don't talk such bullshit" I pushed him back, "you fucking murdered them in cold blood"

"don't shout at me" he seethed as he threw me against the wall, "remember what happens when you shout Lottie"

I struggled to get him off me as he grew angrier. He was never good with his temper. I remembered that all too well.

"Charlotte?" A voice called from downstairs, "I know it's late but Nathaniel called me"

It was Harry, Daniel had taken him under his wing years ago. He'd become a brother and a son to him in many ways.

"looks like our boy is picking up the pace... let's see if he really is as good as his father swore he was" His breath was warm against my skin, "until next time Lottie"
He pulled away and crawled out the window he'd clearly gotten in from.

"Charlotte?" Harry ran into the room looking concerned, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I fixed my dress, "is everything alright?"

"Nathaniel called, said Ricardo's on his way, he wanted me to get you out of here"

"he's just left, I imagine we'll be fine here" I attempt to smile

"he's just left?" he questioned, disgust lingered in his tone.

"mhm" I nod, walking out of the room.
I was desperately trying to maintain my composure.

"well are you okay?" he followed me.

"i'm perfectly fine"

February 12th 2006

"Lottie, you need to wake up" Daniel shook me violently,
I opened my eyes to see him staring straight back at me, panic written all over his face.

"what's wrong?" I sit up, still trying to adjust to being awake.

"we need to go" he was already pulling his clothes on, "go and get Eva"

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