Chapter 4

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Walking down the corridor she searched for Harry. Finally, she spotted him seemingly in a world of his own, however as she caught up to him, she heard someone call out his name from one of the classrooms. They both turned around and saw Professor Lupin.

"Good morning, Miss Willow" Remus addressed the girl, who in return waved.

"Good morning, Professor, Harry, mind if I join you?" Katherine really did want to check up on Harry, but also didn't want to impose on his talk with professor lupin.

. "I've just had a delivery of a Grindylow for the third years next lesson." Katherine went over to the tank, she loved all types of magical creatures, Harry however still looked confused but wandered over anyway. "It's a water demon, we shouldn't have much trouble with him after the Kappas." The trick is to break his grip. You notice the abnormally long fingers? Strong, but very brittle" Katherine hummed in agreeance, eventually they sat down in the chairs across from Lupins desk. "Cup of tea?"

"Yes, please professor" Katherine sat across from the desk. Harry muttered what sounded like an alright.

"Sit down" Lupin urged Harry to sit down before turning back to make the tea, "I've only got tea bags I'm afraid, though I dare say you've had enough of tea leaves" Katherine laughed aloud as Harry looked at Professor Lupin.

"How did you know about that?" Lupin just chuckled slightly.

"McGonagall told me" He passed the students their cups of tea. "You're not worried are you?" Harry just shook his head.

"Yes, you know that day we fought the boggart?" Katherine sat staring around the room, sipping her tea, she knew what Harry was getting at.

"yes" Lupin looked across to Harry, before quickly glancing at Katherine who was still silently sipping her tea.

"Why didn't you let me fight it" Harry looked on curiously before Katherine spoke up.

"Well, it's obvious why Harry" Both of them looked to her. "Obviously professor Lupin thought that when the Boggart faced you, it would turn into You-Know-who, however it didn't, it turned into a dementor. Now whilst its only a Boggart, it can still have the same affect as a dementor." Both of them still hadn't taken their eyes off her. "But with the Boggart turning into one, it would suggest that the thing you fear the most, is, well, fear" She took a sip of her tea, proud of her knowledge. In her third year they had Quirrell, now even though he turned out to be evil, he was still a good teacher.

Before any further conversation could be had, snape entered Professor Lupins office. "Ah Severus thank you very much, will you please leave it here on the desk" Snape placed the potion down.

"I suggest you drink that straight away" Snape moved back towards the door.

"Yes, yes I will" Lupin nodded slightly.

"I made an entire cauldron full, should you require more" Snapes face remained as stoic as ever.

"I should take some more tomorrow, thank you Severus". Snape backed out of the office and before they knew it, he was gone. The two teenagers eyed the goblet, but only Katherine recognised what it was, it was wolfsbane potion. "Professor Snape has very kindly- "he was cut off by a snort from Katherine who quickly apologised, though she did notice the amusement in Lupins eyes. "Concocted a potion for me. I have never been much of a potion brewer and this one is particularly complex".

Katherine drowned out the rest of the conversation, still thinking about the potion, but only one question was on her mind, is Remus Lupin actually a werewolf?


Ron and Hermione returned a few hours later and handed Harry a bag of sweets and Zonko's products. They were all sitting in the great hall, enjoying the Halloween feast. There were floating candles and jack-o-lanterns, and all of the Halloween treats you could ask for. Katherine was sat in between Fred and George, who were talking about the successful prank the three of them had pulled on the Slytherins. You see, Katherine usually would be sat alone, and never would she had gotten involved with the twins' pranks, but the euphoric feeling of fleeing before they were caught, and then seeing the prank in action was addicting. She also didn't like to admit just how much she enjoyed George's company.

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