Chapter 2 - OOTP

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Katherine was sat at the table in between Sirius and Lupin, she was listening to Dumbledore going on about a weapon, then he said something that perked Katherines interest.

"Harry is to be expelled from Hogwarts" he said into the now silent room.

"What the bloody hell for?!" Cried Katherine.

"He conjured a Patronus in front of a muggle, his cousin, when they were attacked by dementors" Dumbledore said as he looked over his half-moon spectacles.

"Wait, what were dementors doing in Little Whinging?" Lupin asked.

"That we do not know, however he was supposed to be guarded by Mundungus Fletcher, but he was missing from his post" Dumbledore replied. "This is also not our only problem, as you all know I asked Katherine to take her N.E.W.Ts early. This was because I believed she would be stopped from coming back to school after the Ministry caught wind of her abilities, which they did because of Rita Skeeter, and that is the decision they have made, as of now Katherine has finished Hogwarts, she is no longer allowed to be a student there and as she is now a legal adult, they want to force her to become an Auror" Dumbledore finished looking towards the girl to find her glaring back at him.

"No" Katherine stated.

"Katherine you may not have a choice" Dumbledore started however Katherine wasn't having it.

"There is not one person on this earth who gets to command me Albus, no one. Fudge is surely insane if he thinks that number 1, he can find me, and number 2 think he can force me to do anything. If I cannot return to school I will stay here with Sirius and Dad" Katherine said, an air of finality in her tone that left no room for arguments.

"Very well, I will have it where Mr Weasley can come and visit once a week, that would be all I can manage, however if you can keep yourself hidden you may be permitted to visit him during his Hogsmeade visits" Dumbledore compromised. He knew trying to get Katherine Lupin to do anything was like trying to move a mountain. "Now, Harry has a hearing of he 12th of August. The ministry did try to destroy his wand, thankfully I got there in time to convince them otherwise, Arthur I trust that you will bring him to the Ministry safely?" Dumbledore asked and Arthur nodded. The meeting drew on a little longer than it should, eventually Katherine had a cup of coffee placed in front of her, she looked up, smiling gratefully at Molly. This was going to be a long summer.


The next morning Katherine was curled into George's side in her room, which also included Fred who was sleeping on the floor, they had been up late perfecting items for their skiving snackboxes. Suddenly someone burst into her room.

"KATHERINE LUPIN WHY IS THERE A BOY IN YOUR BED!" Sirius screamed, successfully waking up his mothers portrait. Katherine opened one eye and felt it burn and her pupil change into a slit.

"Sirius, as much as I love you, you have three seconds to vacate the room quietly or I will throw you down the stairs" Katherine growled out. She looked Sirius in the eye before letting out a low growl in warning, however Lupin walked passed the door at that moment, grabbed Sirius by the back of his shirt and dragged him out of the room, closing the door behind him. Katherine flopped back onto the bed.

"You know, if you complain to your dad enough he will keep Sirius out of your room" George mumbled.

"Oh trust me Georgie, I've tried". Katherine sighed out. "So how much of the meeting did you hear last night?" Katherine asked, almost laughing at the panic on George's face.

"I, er, I'm not sure what you mean?" George stuttered out, which caused Katherine to laugh.

"George, word of advice, never play poker" Katherine joked before kissing his cheek. She eventually got up, did her morning routine and headed downstairs. Walking into the kitchen she fell into her dads usual chair as he sat in hers. "Dad your sitting in my chair" Katherine said innocently whilst sending a flat look to Sirius.

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