Chapter 2 - DH

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***Trigger warning****

This chapter has a scene which implies a SA may take place. Nothing actually happens, i was just putting this warning here so people can skip if they need to.


A week after the incident Katherine had been going out and constantly making sure the wards around the homes were still intact. She had many different ones, ones that would make anyone turn around and forget why they had been there, ones to warn her of dark wizards and witches and also ones who would alert her to dark creatures. Putting it simply after the supermarket incident Katherine was paranoid. She shivered only slightly as the cold air nipped at her exposed skin as she checked the last of the wards.

"Embers get inside, it's freezing!" James called from the front door. Katherine glanced over her shoulder and sighed deeply at the look of concern of James's face. Accepting defeat she headed back into the house, James giving her shoulder a squeeze as she walked passed him.

"Come on, it's Christmas eve Kat, you need to relax. No one can find us here as we are the only three who know of this location" Lily said softly patting Katherines knee.

"Dad and Uncle Siri know of the houses" Katherine said quietly.

"Yes but they don't know where they are, just that they exist" James stressed, he hated seeing Katherine so paranoid, he missed the bright bubbly girl that would play pranks with him and Sirius, or sing and dance around the kitchen with Lily, or sit and read quietly with her dad or who was always smiling, especially when George was around. "When was the last time you spoke to George?" James asked sitting down in the chair across from her.

"About a week ago, I try not to check in too much. When I do one of his eyes glaze over and it would be so bad if anyone saw it. They would do anything to get information out of him" Katherine said with a broken tone.

"I think you should speak to him" James started, holding his hand up to stop Katherine interrupting him, "just find out where he is, if he's safe then talk to him, if not try again at a different time" James finished causing Katherine to nod.


KitKat! Merlin I miss you!

I miss you too Georgie, are you somewhere safe?

I'm at the burrow with mum, Fred and dad. Are you safe?

I am Mon Amour; however I need you to get a message to my dad.

What's going on?

Tell him I'm happy for him and Tonks, I'm excited for a new sibling. I was followed when I went to the supermarket the other day.

YOU WERE FOLLOWED?! Kat please tell me you're alright.

I'm fine Georgie. I got away and no one can find me anywhere, I'm hidden under a Fidelius Charm.

I wish you would of told me where.

I know but then you would be in danger, it was bad enough they interrogated you at the wedding. Could you imagine what would of happened if you did know something.

I know KitKat. I just miss you so much it hurts, we never got chance to sort things out properly and I'm scared we may never get the chance to.

We will amour. I promise. Can you pass on my message please? And Tell Uncle Siri and Fred I miss them both so much too.

I will baby. I love you so much.

I love you too my darling.

Katherine blinked her eyes and looked across to James and Lily as teas filled her eyes.

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