Chapter 13

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All three teenagers started shouting at once, Katherine however remained quiet. It didn't make sense, but nothing about this situation made sense. If it really was Peter Pettigrew, then why has he been living as Scabbers for 12 years.

"Peter Pettigrew's dead, you killed him twelve years ago!" Harry yelled. Katherine placed the heel of her hands against her eyes. This was all quickly becoming too much.

"I meant to, but little Peter got the better of me not this time though" Sirius snarled, he lunged for Scabbers, and in the process Ron, so Katherine lunged at him and sent them both tumbling to the floor. Lupin picked him up and dragged him backward a little to create some distance in between him and the teenagers. Lupin knew Katherine's temper was wearing thin by the way her purple eyes seemed to shine brighter.

"Sirius no, they have a right to know everything" Lupin was trying to restrain Black to stop him lunging at the rat again. "Ron's kept him as a pet, there are parts that even I don't understand! And Harry, you owe Harry the truth Sirius" Katherine had enough, her fuse had blown.

"ENOUGH" everyone went silent, even the rat stopped squeaking. "If you have something to explain I suggest you get on with it before I bang your bloody heads together" Both men looked at her, Sirius's mouth was opening and closing, and Lupin looked stunned before he seemed to collect himself and begin speaking.

"Katherines right, your going to hear me out Ron, just keep a tight hold of peter."

"He's not Peter, he's Scabbers!" Ron cried, Katherine just sent him a look and he instantly shut up.

"There were witness who saw him kill Pettigrew, a whole street of them" Harry pointed out.

"They didn't see what they thought they saw" Sirius's eyes had never left the rat in Ron's hand.

"Everyone though Sirius killed peter, I thought so too, until I saw the map tonight, and the map never lies...Peter's alive and Ron's holding him" the younger teenagers looked like they didn't believe a word coming out of Lupins mouth, however to Katherine it made perfect sense, him and Sirius, and probably Harry's father were unregistered Animagi.

"He's an unregistered Animagus isn't he?" Lupin looked at Katherine, then at Sirius and nodded, "So is Sirius, and since I know for a fact, there was four marauders one was probably Harry's father as well" both of the men nodded again.

"Your right Katherine, the ministry never knew there were three unregistered Animagi running around Hogwarts".

"If you going to tell them the story, get a move on Remus" Sirius snapped, he still hadn't taken his eyes off the rat.

"All right but you need to help me, I only know how it began" Just then Katherines hearing picked up footsteps and then a loud creak had sounded from the door behind them all, Katherine pulled in her wings, she didn't need anyone else knowing about them, her eyes however stayed purple. She stepped towards the door and looked onto the landing. "No one's there..." Lupins voice sounded from behind he, but she knew there was, she could hear their breathing, the cloak might have made it undetectable to the human ear, but she wasn't fully human.

"This place is Haunted" Muttered Ron.

"It's not" He glanced back at the door which Katherine had now moved from to take her place back in front of the teenagers. "The shrieking Shack has never been haunted, the screams and howls were made by me". Taking a breath Katherine saw a flicker of a common emotion in his eyes. He hated the way he was it softened her heart just a little as it was something she could relate to, "That's where all this starts, with my becoming a werewolf. None of this could have happened if I hadn't been bitten, and if I hadn't been so foolhardy" Ron started to interrupt but was silenced immediately by Katherine and Hermione. "I was a small boy when I received the bite. My parents tied everything, but in those days, there was no cure" Katherine noticed how tired he looked, "The Potion that Professor Snape has been making for me is a very recent discovery. It makes me safe; you see. As long as I take it in the week preceding the full moon, I keep my mind when I transform ... I am able to curl up in my office, a harmless wolf, and wait for the moon to wane again".

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