Chapter 14

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Katherine, George and Fred left the potions classroom and walked right into the middle of an argument between Harry and Draco, standing off to the side. Katherines eyes were drawn to the badge Malfoy was wearing.

"Like them potter? And this isn't all they do" Draco boasted, pressing the badge so it displays the words POTTER STINKS in big red letters.

"Oh very funny, really witty" Hermione remarked sarcastically.

"Want one Granger? I've got loads but don't touch my hand now. Ive just washed it you see, don't want a mudblood sliming it up" There was a collective gasp as Katherine strode in front of Hermione and drew her wand.

"You really are as foul as your death eater father aren't you Malfoy?" Katherine spat.

"What did you say half breed?" Draco snapped pointing his wand at Katherine and Harry, who had also drawn his wand.

"You heard me, Draco, I wonder what dear Cissy will say when she finds out how foul her son actually is" Katherine growled out, but that seemed to make Draco snap, he and Harry seemed to shot their spells at the same time causing Katherine to yell hers.

"Funnunculus!" Harry yelled.

"Densaugeo!" Screamed Draco.

"PROTEGO!" Roared Katherine.

Harry and Draco's spells collided and bounced off each other, one hitting Katherines shield and one hitting Goyle.

"And what is all this noise about" Snapes drawling voice came from the doorway. "Explain".

"Potter attacked me sir-" Draco cried.

"We attacked each other at the same time" Harry countered. In the middle of all the arguing Katherine leant against the wall and started to hum a tune, all of the males in the area stopped their arguing and focused on her, she raised her eyes from the ground and looked snape in his eyes and smirked.

"If you want the full story Professor, Draco Malfoy used some disgusting language and targeted Miss Granger because she is a muggle born, now I don't know about you but I am pretty sure that is bullying and if he is not punished correctly I will go to Albus about it" She let her eyes fade back into their chocolate brown and watched with deep satisfaction as Snape took points away from Slytherin house and put Draco in detention. Harry also lost points and got a detention for firing a spell but at least it was because of the truth and not some lie concocted by Malfoy. She grabbed Fred and George and started off down the corridor in silence.

"What on earth happened back there?" Fred asked.

"Elise as you know is a siren, when she sings, hums or even merely talks, she can twist someone's mind to make them do whatever she pleases, make them drown themselves, give fair punishments, that kind of thing" She giggled, though she knows this was serious.

"Snape pretty much fell at your feet" George laughed.

"And every other feller in the area" Fed commented, Katherine looked up at him, not realising that he was probably effected too.

"I'm sorry Freddie, I didn't really think, George is the only one immune apart from Minnie" Katherine said quietly, which caused both of them to look down at her.

"Kat it's alright, it was quite amusing actually when I snapped out of it. I bet all of the others ae confused though" Fred laughed, "I like being on the side of knowing these things". He sighed out but Katherine wasn't convinced. "Kat I wouldn't be friends with you if I didn't want to take the risk of your abilities effecting me" Fred stated.

"I know, god Dumbledore is going to kill me" Katherine whined, causing the twins to laugh at her again.

"Miss Willow, a word please" Moody grumbled out walking past her. "And without the twins" He stated as they started to follow.

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