Chapter 11

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The four of them headed down to the great hall for dinner, Katherine taking her usual spot in between the twins who had created space for her. The golden trio sat close by.

"Hey Kat, where have you been, we haven't seen you all day" George pouted at her as she began to fill her plate.

"I've been doing exams Georgie, I also called in on professor Lupin to see how he's been, he's been looking considerably more ill, and the year has gone on, and then I've been helping the troublesome three with this whole Hagrid business" George stared down at her, before nodding and deciding not to comment on it. "How have your exams been Georgie".

"Nooo we aren't talking about exams right now, are we Fred" Fred looked over at them and shook his head.

"Definitely not Georgie, we are discussing our end or year prank, you see, because it so close to the end of the year, we can get away with almost anything" He winked at Kat before George continued.

"So, are you in?" She shook her head, "Why not?" George and Fred both looked completely offended.

"Because I have to stay here with Minnie over the summer" Both twins were gobsmacked.

"What why!?" They both yelled at the same time.

"I will tell you later, its not exactly appropriate dinner talk" Both twins nodded. Katherine noticed the trio standing up as dinner came to an end, so she bid goodbye to the twins and headed over to them. "Right come on, lets get this over with whilst everyone is distracted." They managed to slip away from the crowd and threw the invisibility cloak over them, they huddled close together and tiptoed away so they wouldn't be spotted and headed down to Hagrid's.

The four of them knocked on the door, Hagrid answered but obviously couldn't see us, he looked around and was about to close the door when Harry spoke up. "Hagrid its us, we're wearing the invisibility cloak, let us in so we can take it off" Hagrid pushed the door open wider and we rushed past to get from underneath the cloak. Putting it simply Hagrid looked terrible, Katherine's heart lurched at the sight.

"Want some tea?" They all nodded as he busied himself with making tea, his hands were shaking something terrible.

"Where's Buckbeak Hagrid?" Hermione asked, Katherine sent her a flat look as Hagrid started spilling milk everywhere whilst trying to fill the jug.

"I took him outside. Though he oughta see the trees, smell fresh air, before- "Hagrid's hands trembled more, and the milk jug slipped from his hand. Katherine stood up to help him.

"Let me Hagrid" He just nodded and moved aside for her.

"There another one in the cupboard" She nodded and searched for the jug; she was still listening to the conversation.

"Isn't there anyone who can do anything Hagrid?" Harry was almost desperate, they all were, but the ministry had made its decision, deciding she didn't want the hear anymore she busied herself again with finding the milk jug. As she found the jug she headed back over to Hagrid and heard the end of their conversation.

"We'll stay with you too Hagrid." Hermione stated, Ron and Harry agreeing, Katherine wouldn't because she knew they couldn't stay.

"We can't, we aren't even supposed to be out of the castle, neither is Harry" Hagrid quickly agreed.

"Yeh're ter go back ter castle. I told yeh, I don' want yeh watchin', and Kats right, Yeh shouldn' be down here anyway, if fudge and Dumbledore catch yeh out without permission Harry, yeh'll be in big trouble" Hagrid backed up Katherine. She looked at the crest fallen faces of each teenager, she couldn't stand the sight, so she went back to making the tea before she let out a yelp of surprise.

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