Chapter 9

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"Katherine, Professor Dumbledore would like a word" McGonagall said to Katherine after breakfast that morning, the girl nodded and headed straight for his office. She hadn't spoken to Dumbledore since the day George had come into the forest, surprisingly he wasn't angry at either of them, more intrigued to how George had managed to find her.

"Acid pops" She spoke clearly for the gargoyle before it moved aside for her so she could climb the steps. Knocking on the door she waited patiently to be granted entry.

"Come in" Dumbledore called, and she headed into the office.

"Minnie said you wanted to speak to me Albus" Katherine said before taking note of the person in the chair, "Moony?" Lupin looked up and smiled, "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well you didn't respond to my letter last week and I was concerned, so I wrote to Dumbledore, and he told me to come and see for myself". Lupin replied, you see Katherine had gown fond of Lupin and looked at him as a father figure in her life, he's been a huge support for her when she needed to vent some frustrations.

"I'm okay Moony, well apart from Professor Moody teaching us unforgivable curses, he used the Imperious Curse on us, however it had no affect on me, for some reason the spell wouldn't even connect to me, just bounced off" She blurted out and failed to notice the horror on both men's faces.

"He used an unforgivable on you?" Lupin asked in utter shock.

"Yes, any that declined got told to leave class, and I don't want my grades to slip so I stayed, he told us Albus wanted us to know what they were and what they did" Katherine and Lupin both looked at Dumbledore.

"I had no idea Katherine, I'm sorry, I will make sure to keep a close eye on him, because that certainly doesn't sound like Alastor" He muttered. "Excuse me, I trust you two will be alright for a short while" Both of them just nodded and Dumbledore as he headed out of his office.

"He's probably gone to find Mins, so how've you been Moony?" Katherine asked as she sat back in her chair.

"I've been alright Kat, what about you? I heard George saw Athena up close?" Lupin asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yep, the bloody idiot, honestly, she's gotten bigger since you last saw her, but you know how big she is, she could have killed him. He's a right bloody idiot" Katherine ranted. Lupin sat there with a smile on his face as he watched the blush creep up her face the more she spoke about George.

"Do you like George?" Lupin just asked in the middle of her ranting.

"I have no idea what you mean! Of course I do, he's my best friend!" Katherine protested.

"Of course he is" Lupin chuckled.

"Anyway, even if I did he wouldn't see me that way" Katherine huffed.

"You would be surprised, and besides you need to focus on school, boys can wait for later" Lupin declared, this made Katherine crack up.

"Sorry Papa Moon" She cried with laughter.

"Papa Moon?" Lupin asked in between Katherines laughs.

"Yep, your now officially Papa Moon, if that's okay? You've been there for me a lot recently, and like Minnie, you've shown me what its like to have someone care about me" Katherine shrugged her shoulder.

"Papa Moon it is, though don't tell Padfoot, id never hear the end of it" Lupin whispered the last part which made Katherine crack off laughing again. "Here", Lupin passed Katherine a small box.

"What is it?" Katherine asked.

"Your birthday present, and yes I know its your birthday soon, I asked Minnie" Katherine playfully glared at him, "Go on you can open it since I wont be here on your birthday, though you will be getting a birthday howler, I hope you know that".

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