Chapter 8 - HBP

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It was now nearly Christmas and Katherine hadn't really spoken to anyone outside of Athena, Elise, Lupin, Sirius, James and Lily. She occasionally spoke to Fred, but she has refused to speak to anyone else. She hasn't been returning any of the letters that have been sent. Leading Lupin to write to Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny and inform them of what had happened between her and George. To say they were furious was an understatement, Ginny and Ron were both ready to pitch George off the astronomy tower. Once they had returned home for the holidays and saw the state he was in they felt nothing but pity for him.

"Kat can you come down to the dining room so we can have a word?" Sirius shouted up to her, not moving until he heard her shuffle out of the room and down the stairs. Heading into the dining room Katherine looked at her dad and smiled.

"What's up?" Katherine asked as she sat across from her dad.

"I've got to nip over to the Weasleys on Christmas day, I've asked Sirius to come with me, but he is insisting we check that you will be alright with just James and Lily for a few hours" Lupin spoke softly causing Katherine to smile again.

"I will be fine Uncle Sirius you can stop worrying. You both need to go and see Harry. Will you please take my presents for them?" Katherine asked, shooting a quick thanks to Lily who had placed coffee in front of her.

"Of course we can little one" Lupin replied whilst Sirius kissed the top of her head.

"Now I do believe we have a tree to decorate since Christmas is in a week" Katherine said. James and Sirius bolted out of the chairs running to the drawing room to set up the tree. Katherine headed into the room just in time to see Sirius trip over some lights which caused her to bark out a laugh before helping him up. Katherine turned the muggle radio on as Happy Xmas (war is over) came on, moving over to the tree she began placing this lights on whilst singing.

"So this is Christmas,

And what have you done?

Another year over, a new one just begun" Katherine sang softly before James joined in for the second part of the verse, who was then followed by Sirius. All three of them sung loudly whilst decorating the tree. Fed came into the room and stood beside Remus and Lily.

"How is she doing?" Fred asked Remus, who was watching his daughter fondly.

"She will be alright eventually, but for right now, she is as alright as she can be" Lupin replied, laughing as James lifted Katherine up so she could place the star on top of the tree.

"You know it was a year ago that we caught her and Sirius absolutely wasted and dancing on the table to Christmas songs" Fred recalled causing Remus and Lily to laugh.

"They never?" Lily asked between laughs.

"Oh they did. We all came in and startled Kat so much she fell off the table" Fred added with a small chuckle.

"FREDDIE!" Katherine yelled before diving on her best friend.

"Hey Kat" Fred responded holding her tight.

"What are you three laughing at?" Katherine asked, Fred noted the happiness in her eyes but he couldn't help but notice the sadness as well.

"You and Sirius drunk, dancing on the table last Christmas" Lupin replied.

"They didn't?" James asked from across the room.

"They did" Fred replied causing James to beg him to tell the story. So Fred did, he told James the whole story causing the six of them to fall about laughing.

"Well Uncle Siri, it seems like it's time for our drunk table dancing" Katherine laughed before running off to the dining room with Sirius hot on her heels.

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