Chapter 5 - HBP

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Katherine was bouncing around the flat the next morning making breakfast for the twins, she was so excited she could barely sleep so instead of laying in bed she got up and cleaned the flat a little, by the time she was done it was almost time for the twins to wake up, so she busied herself making their breakfast. Hearing a door open she looked up and saw Fred.

"Morning Freddie" Katherine said quietly, getting a small wave in return she set his breakfast down in front of him.

"Thanks Kat" Fred mumbled and began eating his breakfast. Katherine plated George's up before leaving it on the counter and heading into his room to wake him. Sliding quietly through the door she opened her mouth to call George, but the words died in her throat. George was stood in front of her in nothing but his trousers. Katherine raked her eyes up George's body, taking in every detail like she had seen it for the first time. No matter how many times she see's him, she will never have enough.

"Like what you see Gorgeous" George said, his voice still a little husky from just waking up.

"Love it Georgie, it is a shame that we have things to do today" Katherine replied before capturing her bottom lip in between her teeth. George walked over and backed her into the door, reaching up and gently pulling on her bottom lip to make her release it.

"Don't bite your lip Miss Katherine or we wont be leaving this room" George whispered before dipping down and capturing her lips in a kiss.

"Wow" Katherine muttered after they pulled apart and George moved away to finish getting dressed, "your, erm, your breakfast is ready" Katherine muttered again. George laughed and grabbed her hand before pulling her out of the room.

"Finally, I thought you two were shagging for a minute. George hurry up and eat, we have a shop to open" Fred grinned cheekily causing Katherine to roll her eyes. "Kat you need to disguise yourself, you cant leave the flat looking like yourself, your dad, Uncle Sirius, Uncle Prongs and Aunt Lily would kill us" Fred said pointing at the small girl who just nodded before standing up. Closing her eyes Katherine changed her appearance, instead of being a 5ft 3in brunette with brown eyes, she was now a 5ft 6in blonde with blue eyes.

"That's weird" Fred and George said at the same time.

"Come on you two, we need to open and remember my name is Abigail" Katherine said. Her and her dad came up with her fake name a few weeks ago, just in case she needed to go on the run.

"Aye aye captain" George fake saluted before following his girlfriend out the flat and down to the shop.


The day passed by pretty quickly but by the end of it Katherine was utterly exhausted, since it was the opening day they had been super busy and never getting a minute to themselves, so when the end of the day came round, and the bell chimed above the door Katherine let out a very loud groan.

"You been busy little one?" Lupin asked from above her, he couldn't lie and say he wasn't amused at the sight of Katherine and the twins all laying on the floor.

"I'm exhausted dad" Katherine whined holding her hand up for her dad to pull her up off the floor. Laughing he took he hand and pulled her to her feet with ease.

"Why don't we get you home, boys you coming?" Lupin asked the twins he looked up at him.

"Yeah, give us twenty minutes to shut everything down and lock up and we will see you there" George replied standing up, he went and gave Kat a kiss on the head, "I'm not kissing you until you look like yourself" he grumbled causing Katherine to laugh.

"Alright boys, we will see you soon" Katherine said pulling her dad out the shop, as soon as the door closed behind them, they apparated back to Grimmauld Place. Walking into the dining room Katherine was immediately tackled by James.

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