Chapter 6

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Katherine woke up to Arthur gathering everyone up to get an early portkey, she picked up he backpack and shoved her wand into it before pulling on her shoes. No one really spoke as they all shuffled off towards the portkey, on their way they walked passed Mr Roberts.

"Merry Christmas" He called; Katherine looked at Arthur confused seeing this he gave her a sad smile.

"He'll be alright. Sometimes when a person's memory is modified it makes them a bit disoriented for a while, and that was a big thing they had to make him forget" Arthur said as he patted her on the shoulder as they trudged through the moor. They all suddenly heard urgent voices and were greeted by the sight of a lot of witches and wizards all wanting to get home and away from the campsite, after Arthur had a hurried conversation with Basil, all of them joined the que and eventually managed to take an old rubber tire back to Stoatshead Hill before the sun had even fully risen and started the walk back to the burrow in the dawn light. A sigh echoed through everyone as the burrow came into view, as they got a bit closer Molly came rushing out the door.

"Oh, thank goodness, thank goodness" She rushed towards Arthur still in her slippers and with a copy of The Daily Prophet in her hand and threw her arms around Arthurs neck. He in turn embraced his wife equally as tight. "Arthur, I've been so worried. So worried, your alright". She then looked to her children and their friends and as her eyes landed on Fred and George she rushed forward and pulled them both into a tight hug. "Your alive, oh boys".

"Mum your strangling us"

"I shouted at you before you left" Molly had begun to sob, "its all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had gotten you and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.L.s? Oh Fred, George". She reluctantly let them go and hugged the rest of her children before turning to Katherine. "There's someone here who wanted to check on you Katherine" Molly said before she hugged the girl. Katherine pulled away and was about to ask who when she looked over Molly's shoulder and saw Professor McGonagall.

"Minnie?" Katherine raced over to her. Minnie had been the closest thing Katherine had ever gotten to a loving parent. As Katherine reached her, Minnie pulled her into a hug.

"My dear, I've been so worried, I came to the Burrow as soon as I saw" Minnie said softly to Katherine whilst holding her tight.

"I was so scared Mins, it was awful" Katherine broke, all the tears that should of fell last night just came crashing out.

"It's alright Kathy, how about we go home?" Katherine nodded and headed to say bye to the twins, she needed to go back to Hogwarts after they got back anyway.

"I gotta go home now boy. I promise I will write and ill see you both so soon" the twins didn't say much and just hugged her, both of them holding onto Katherine for dear life.

"We'll miss you Kat" Fred said pulling away to give George and Katherine a minute.

"I'll miss you KitKat" George said, she nodded and pressed a kiss to his cheek, having to stand on her tiptoes to do so.

"I'll see you soon Georgie" They hugged one last time and Katherine headed back into the living room with McGonagall. "Thank you for having me Molly, Arthur" Katherine hugged Molly and shook Arthurs hand before climbing into the burrow and shouting her destination of the fireplace in McGonagall's office. Stepping out into the room, Minnie followed not so long after.

"So, what happened Kathy?" Katherine sat down in the chair across from Minnie.

"Does Dumbledore also want to hear the story, Mins? Id prefer to not tell it twice, it was haunting" Katherine looked down and started to fiddle with her hands. On the way back to the Burrow she had been thinking about writing to Remus Lupin as well to find out if he can communicate with his wolf side.

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