Chapter 11

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Katherine!" Katherine turned around at the sound of the voice to find Harry rushing up to her, "I've got to talk to you, somewhere private" Harry spoke quickly causing Katherine to look around at the obvious eavesdroppers.

"Come on" She turned around and started heading down to the black lake, it was the only other secluded space she could think of apart from her clearing and the only people who are allowed there are Hagrid and George. Once they arrived she turned to look at Harry, still keeping her voice low of the off chance there was someone nearby, "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Sirius is coming back up to Scotland, I told him about my scar hurting and said he's flying up this way immediately and well that was a few days ago and now he's here" Harry looked panicked and this cause Katherine to sigh.

"Had you written and told him not to?" She asked and Harry just nodded, "want me to write to him?" she asked again to which Harry just nodded. She pulled out a quill, ink and some parchment and sat on the grass.


If I find out you are actually up north I will personally kick your arse myself. I am looking out for Harry, if anything happens I will inform you myself.


Katherine sealed the letter and passed it to Harry, "hold onto this for me a minute, I'm going to make a backup plan" she said before she started writing again.

Dear Papa Moon,

Padfoot is on the move back up north, I think he's already here. Do whatever you can to keep him hidden and in London and if he is up north, like he told Harry he is, then you have my entire permission to kick his arse on my behalf.

Little Dragon

Sealing that letter she stood up, "right come on dear Chosen One, lets head to the owlery before we have to head back to the castle" Katherine said as she stood up and started heading in the direction of the owlery. Once they arrived Katherine go Harry to attach Lupins letter to Hedwig to make it less conspicuous and sent Sirius's letter with a school owl. "Right come on because the delegations for the school will be arriving soon and if we're late I'm not sure I will be able to save us from Minnie's wrath" Katherine snickered at Harry before pulling him back up to school.

"So what did you write to Padfoot anyway?" Harry asked, noticing the smirk that appeared on her face.

"Told him id kick his arse myself if he actually is up here" She replied nonchalantly.

"And what's your back up plan?" Harry asked as they came up to the school.

"I grassed him in, to Papa Moon to be precise" Harry laughed at her confession but before he could reply McGonagall rushed up to them.

"Where have you two been, come on in line with your fellow housemates please, and potter fix your uniform" Minnie said gently pushing them towards their house.

"How do I look Mins?" Katherine said over her shoulder.

"You look like you could cause me a headache Kathy" Minnie replied, Katherine laughed as she joined George's side.

"Good evening KitKat, and where have you been?" George asked as he laced his fingers through Katherines.

"I've been out causing mischief and mayhem Georgie" Katherine replied with a hefty sigh, leaning her head against George's arm.

"Without me and Fred? I am devastated" George exclaimed before pretending to fake cry which earnt him a stern look from Minnie.

"Don't worry Georgie, I wasn't actually causing mischief, I cant do that to my favourite twins" Katherine looked up at him as she spoke.

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