Chapter 7

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The day the students were due back at Hogwarts had arrived and Katherine was beyond excited. Lupin had written back giving her permission to call him Moony, also asking her more about Athenas warning and what other powers she may have discovered. She had just sent off her reply and was now at the castle, sitting on one of the window seats in the courtyard waiting for the students to arrive. Well waiting for Fred and George to arrive that is.

"Kathy, they're nearly here, will you please head to the great hall" Minnie said.

"Of course Mins, ill head there now. Also do I have to go back to calling you Professor McGonagall again? I very much like calling you Minnie" Katherine shouted over he shoulder. McGonagall stood there with a small smile on her face as she watched the small woman go. Shaking her head she set off to go and greet the first years.

Katherine headed towards the great hall when she heard the carriages arriving, stopping she watched the students clamber out, it was the second carriage that pulled up that had her grinning.

"George! Fred!" Katherine shouted, they ran over, and both crushed her in a hug. "It feels like its been forever since I last saw you both".

"We know KitKat, now lets go and get seated, I'm starving" George placed his hand in hers and tugged her along to the Great Hall. They both sat down and waited for Fred and Lee to come in, when they did Fred sat beside Katherine and Lee sat across from them.

"So, Kat how's it been at Hogwarts?" Lee asked.

"It's been alright actually, Minnie and Albus- I mean Professor Dumbledore have been teaching me some new spells, since I am still on school grounds I couldn't get in trouble with the Ministry for the use of underage magic. Also became friends with the portrait to Gryffindor Tower". Katherine answered proudly.

"Only you could become friends with the Fat Lady Kat" Fred snorted. Katherine went to reply but heard a lot of commotion in the entrance, she dashed out of the doors just in time to see Minnie go sliding across the floor and having to grab hold of Hermione just to avoid falling over. Katherine looked up and saw Peeves the Poltergeist.

"Peeves! What have you been told about attacking the students" Katherine spoke up and the ghost instantly stopped cackling. "I've told you, if your going to prank anyone- ".

"Make sure its Professor Snape" Peeves cut her off cackling as Katherine giggled.

"Yes, now off with you before I call the Bloody Baron" Katherine said shooing him away. "Mins are you alright?" Katherine asked McGonagall.

"I am child, thank you for getting him sent off, I swear that ghost is a menace" McGonagall replied whilst flattening her robes. Katherine walked away laughing, it was true, Peeves was a menace, but he was harmless enough. She took her spot back in between the twins.

"And your also friends with Peeves, and you told him to prank Snape" George asked in utter disbelief.

"Yes, it gets him to leave everyone else alone, the Bloody Baron isn't too pleased about it, however he is grateful for the fact Peeves no longer disrupts the castle" As Katherine finished her sentence McGonagall came in with the first years. "Also seeing Minnie slip and hold onto Hermione for dear life has given me a mental image that will forever make me laugh" Katherine whispered to the twins.

"She did not?" Asked Fred and Katherine just nodded before the three of them fell about laughing, though they were silenced with an amused glare from Minnie. Katherine, George, Fred and Lee were sat talking about this years prank ideas when Dumbledore approached the podium.

"I have only two words to say to you. Tuck in" The food appeared on the table and Katherine started placing food on her plate whilst listening to Lee and Fred bickering over something. She wasn't sure what, she had been too busy listening to George tell her about everything that had happened after Minnie had taken her back to Hogwarts.

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