Chapter 5 - DH

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The first thing Katherine heard as her eyes opened was crying, she registered being held by someone though she couldn't confidently tell you who. She vaguely remembered he head bouncing off the stone floor of the castle. Taking a deep breath she lifted her hand to rest on the arm of the person holding her. As she became more aware she could smell coffee and chocolate, lifting her eyes she looked straight up at her dad.

"Hi daddy" Katherine said quietly causing Remus to gasp and move her slightly so he could take her face in his hands.

"Kat!" He gasped out like he couldn't believe it, "guys she's awake" Remus cried to the pacing adults behind him. They all rushed over as Katherine pulled herself into a sitting position.

"What happened?" Katherine asked quietly.

"Well Greyback sent you soaring through the air, and you hit your head on the floor." James said quickly, but Katherine took note of the fact they were hiding something.

"What is it?" Katherine asked looking around at everyone, it was then she noticed she was in the great hall, and she looked to the side to see the injured and the dead, she saw Hermione and Ron crying. She saw the tear stains on James and Lilys cheeks, she looked at them all closely trying to find out what they were hiding.

"Remus went feral and started pretty much ripping through ever death eater he came across whilst Sirius carried you. During the carnage Harry found out that he was a horcrux and snuck out. Hermione and Ron tried to persuade him to stay but he went to die. Then the only one left is the snake and then the Dark Lord can be killed" Regulus said quickly from the side of Katherine causing the girl to shoot to her feet.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES GONE TO DIE?" Katherine yelled. Looking into the faces of the adults she felt a crushing weight on her chest that only added as she looked over the dead, her eyes landing on a familiar figure. "Tonks? No" Katherine felt the air leaving her lungs as she made her way over and looked down at a now deceased Tonks, gently stroking her hair she cried, the tears that she kept in spilled and the dam broke. This shouldn't be happening; this can't be happening. Katherine could feel herself spiral and instead of sadness she was filled with a burning rage which only built as her eyes landed on the body of Colin Creevy. Standing up she walked towards the doors of the great hall.

"Kat where are you going?" Fred called from behind her, but she didn't hear him, she continued her march out the doors.

"Katherine, stop. I know it hurts but you cannot act on anger" Regulus stressed, coming to stand in front of her and gently placed his hands on her shoulders. "You need to let it in and feel that pain. Do not let it eat you alive. If you run headfirst into this being as angry as you are someone is going to get hurt".

"Reg I-" Katherine started until she caught the glimpse of Voldemort and his followers coming up the bridge towards the courtyard. Turning round she ran back into the great hall. "DAD! Dad he's coming" Katherine yelled, Remus sprang up and ran towards her with James, Lily, Sirius, Fred and George in tow. The group headed back outside just as Voldemort made it to the courtyard.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shrieked in glee, setting off a chain of events that no one could stop. Lily collapsed sobbing into James, Remus fell into Sirius, the twins took a sharp in take of breath and Katherine felt that rage burn brighter and hotter than before. Stepping away from the twins she moved to stand in front of the man who has terrorized everyone.

"Ah Miss Willow-" Voldemort started.

"SILENCE!" Katherine screamed casting the silencing charm on him. "You do not get to talk after everything you have done, you vile, disgusting, worthless, weak piece of shit. You have taken enough, and I will not let you take anymore" Katherine roared as her wings came out and she took off into the sky, shifting into Athena when she was far enough away from everyone before letting out a deafening roar. She hovered there as Neville did his speech, inspiring hope in everyone.

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